Not showing well at all. Weak nose and a bit four-square on the palate. #chambertin #maisonrochedebellene — 10 years ago
A pretty nose with some petrol notes. The tannins are still quite firm and there is plenty of black and red fruit. Med to med + length and med + complexity. A very nice #chambollemusigny #burgundy #pinotnoir #maisonrochedebellene #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago
Fine example. #gevreychambertin #maisonrochedebellene — 10 years ago
Bizarre tropical notes. Needs some time. #cortoncharlemagne #maisonrochedebellene — 10 years ago
More enjoyable and expressive compared to the '11 Chambertin. Great wine which will only get better #maisonrochedebellene — 10 years ago
Super pretty wine. #maisonrochedebellene #chambollemusigny #burgundy — 10 years ago
Charles (Chad) Bucklin
Owner and founder of C. T. Bucklin Wine Advising
Lacking character and energy. The domaine bottles are much more exciting. Well made though. #maisonrochedebellene #nicolaspotel #geverychambertin #pinotnoir #burgundy #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago