Wow hey! Hey wow! This was unexpected and it is exciting, downright crunchy and spicy but it is wearing a see-through fruit cloak, so those elements are visible but sheathed. It won’t attack you but surprise you like a spectre with a gentle “boo”. And then a show of peppercorn sprinkled bravado. — 6 years ago
Very much dug this sweet California Dry Creek Valley baby tho it veers on the side of fruitiness the non-wine-person might describe as sweet. There may be a bit more residual sugar but the fruit is balanced with generous acidity. It’s friggin’ jam with a dash of lemon curd stirred in. Very lovely. — 6 years ago
Excellent wine. Strong wine. But balanced. Yet the flavors haven’t knitted themselves all as one quite yet. Although much like piecing together the story of Zinfandel aka Tribidrag, the different sensations arresting your attention in separate parts has a charm all its own. — 6 years ago
Also tastes like, oh hey it’s an inexpensive but drinkable cali zin. Cali zin not some sorta sin. It’s okay. Look I feel weird about the whole boxed wine genre so I want to report the ones you can go to if going box. So far if going box Bota is doing the best job of producing things that taste like wine. Except one other thing but stay tuned... — 6 years ago
Primitivo clone! With just a smidge of petite Sirah and barbera. In a blind tasting I don’t know what I’d call—it’s all macerated blackberries and strawberries and green branches. Tannins smooth and perfect. Metaphor time? This wine is a “pizza” on some other bread sort. There is something there that makes you identify if and it rocks your tastebud but...It could be another thing. Dang clones. — 7 years ago
Silk and tart soul? Maybe. Probably not my soul is silk and umami. Ravenswood doesn’t disappoint. This one one of my first top o’ the line R-woods. It is berry rich and carries undertones of semi-raw white peach which is to say pleasantly bitingly acid and a wee bit floral. Ooh. Ah. Love it. — 6 years ago
This is the family friend you’ve been attached to all your life but recently realized is not in fact the wisest person you know. As in, you trust them. Some advice is stellar but you just realized that “I’ll love you forever” doesn’t make them the authority on...all. Though Ridge is close to being that. Bright red berries and tannins at least as high as fruit so new world to the core. Alcohol higher—this is obvi new world but the blending varieties make one remember how multiverse Zin is. The grape for all theories string or no. — 6 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Power and balance and fun. Tormaresca makes fun but serious wines. Old meets new. Black cherries undercurrent of licorice and/or caraway. Smooth very well integrated tannins. Solid juice. Take that to mean what you will. — 6 years ago