Another (few days belated) write up of previously taken notes. This one was quite unique—a thing with beeriness and salinity but smoothness—there is flavor galore notes here—candied orange and pomegranate but my enjoyment of it is so texture based. Just super cool and a bit off the beaten path. — 5 years ago
How I adore this. Roederer is legion, and this wine rocks. It’s toast with raspberry jam and a glass of blood orange juice. All sprinkled with candied violets and love. I can’t prove the love part but someone raised this wine right. Take it wine in hand take it in glass take it in. — 5 years ago
Because every so oft I’m sure you want to see someone besides me behind the bottle, behold Ziggy.
Thoroughly dig this Argentinian bubbly, it had zip and verve but a bit of vanilla depth that made it a cross between pool time fun and what I’d deem a wintertime rosé. Try it, you’ll like it. — 5 years ago
Ellen Clifford
Extroverted elegance! Quite a bit of white nectarine/strawberry purée softly spread on toast and dipped in cream. Or mayhaps that it just feels like cream. Really the texture on this is exquisite. It is wearing elbow length gloves with a fuchsia satin dress and pearls. This wine is. Or maybe that’s what I feel like I’m wearing drinking it. — 5 years ago