Poderi Aldo Conterno

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Bricco Bussia Vigna Cicala Barolo Nebbiolo 1985

Wow, floral, faint road tar, this twin Barolo tastes 20 years younger than the Colonello, so rich, so YOUTHFUL, so complex, super long and lingering finish, really close to, if not there already, perfect!! — 18 days ago

Jim Powers
with Jim
Ira, Tom and 6 others liked this
Ira Schwartz

Ira Schwartz Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Doug Powers really happy to read you had such a great exacta!!
Doug Powers

Doug Powers

@Ira Schwartz, thanks, I’m part I was thankful to the benevolence of the cork gods for not spoiling either old Barolo!!
Ira Schwartz

Ira Schwartz Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Doug Powers And proper storage.

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Riserva Gran Bussia Barolo Nebbiolo 2001

Still youthful. Wine of the night. — 3 months ago

Bruce Leboff
with Bruce
Bruce, LM and 2 others liked this

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Barolo Nebbiolo 2004

Belated post from Mother’s Day dinner. This was in full splendor at 20 years old. It was ready and had many secondary notes intertwined with primary flavors of rose petals, leather, wood shavings, yes the tar was there but not as pronounced as I have found in younger Barolos from Conterno. A gem found in the cellar that I’m glad I didn’t wait another day to open. — 5 months ago

Shay, Brian and 1 other liked this

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Bussia Barolo Nebbiolo 1995

1995 Bussia Barolo.
Still holding a deep red core with a bit of fading at the rim…impressive.
Dried Bing cherries, dried roses and flowers on the nose.
Dried red fruit, cherries and plums with mint and mushrooms.
Tannins are disappearing but the acidity is still so smooth.
A friend foraged for local Matsutake mushrooms and we made risotto with black summer truffles.
— 21 days ago

Andrew, Vino and 3 others liked this
Vino Joe

Vino Joe Premium Badge

Hard to imagine a better pairing. Nicely done!
Jamie Lauder

Jamie Lauder

Thank you Sir.
I love this time of year.

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Barolo del Monforte d'Alba 1961

A wonderful surprise. My expectations had been low for this 63 year old wine but it is lovely. Rich fruit with a nicely balanced acid backbone to give it some lift and vibrancy. A short finish, not surprising since the tannins have long since resolved. But the fruit is quite something after all this time. Nice. — 2 months ago

Freek, Severn and 1 other liked this
Pinotman /// Andreas

Pinotman /// Andreas

A good vintage.

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Conca Tre Pile Barbera d'Alba 2020

Casey Curbow

Serious length and dimension and enjoyment — 4 months ago

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Bricco Bussia Colonnello Vigna Barolo Nebbiolo 1985

Floral, earthy, dried fruit, this is close to mature, and oh so complex, really amazing depth, very long, lingering finish, absolutely fabulous!!! — 18 days ago

Jim Powers
with Jim
Ira, Tom and 4 others liked this

Poderi Aldo Conterno

Colonnello Bussia Barolo Nebbiolo 2014

Super rich and dense Barolo. Nothing holding back in this wine. Powerful and delicious. — 17 days ago

Bob, Jean-Philip and 6 others liked this

Luciano Sandrone

Vite Talin Barolo Nebbiolo 2014

Starting to think this might be my favourite Barolo...up there with wines from Aldo Conterno and Rinaldi. Deep, concentrated and brooding with lots of cherries and balsamico notes. This is not a light and acidic Barolo at all but big and bold. Loved it! — 3 months ago

Tom, Tom and 11 others liked this
Raul Puga

Raul Puga

@Andrew McIntyre Sounds delicious. Need to find a bottle. Cheers!!