15.5/20 (88/100)
Цвет достаточно насыщенный, гранатовый. Аромат достаточно сильный, с выраженными тонами дуба, мясные тона, тона красных ягод, клюквы, брусники, мускусные оттенки, пряное тона. Достаточно многопланово, несколько спиртуозно. Тело достаточно плотное, во вкусе вяленая вишня, копчености. Послевкусие горячее, долгое.
#EnotriaMoscow #newworld #argentina #dwargentina #patagonia #pinotnoir #pts88
— 10 years ago
Nice #malbec from #patagonia #argentina — 10 years ago
I was hoping for more. But at least is a #pinotnoir from #patagonia. I think it doesn't have much structure and almost no body. Color is super clear. Weird. — 5 years ago
#amor_seco #patagonia #argentina #merlot #redwine — 9 years ago
Equilibrado, perfumado e da Patagonia. Fin del Mundo, ¡boludo! (: #patagonia #vinodelfindelmundo #merlot #malbec #cabernetsauvignon — 10 years ago
#enmagnum #energy #pinotnoir #patagonia — 10 years ago
Nothing terribly interesting about this #patagonia #malbec, fruit-forward and a touch too sweet, dark cocoa on the finish, light tannins without texture or interest. It would be nice with steak but keep looking if you want something more robust and complex.
— 6 years ago
Biodynamic. Best Pinot Noir I've had yet! #patagonia #pinotnoir #biodynamic #argentina #chacra #bodegachacra — 10 years ago
Vasanth Balakrishnan
Here’s your argument for cellaring value-priced new world reds in #magnum bottles. Got this from #wsjwineclub fairly recently after release and put it in the bottom of my wine fridge and forgot about it. This weekend a family get-together gave an opportunity to open this #patagonia #malbec. After sitting a while and later in the weekend it started to really stretch out. Plush blackberry, plum, spiced vanilla nose. Lip-smacking acidity on the palate is balanced by lush fruit, sweet vanilla, some coffee notes and peppery spice on the finish with supple tannins rounding things out. Bonus - cool tartrate crystals on the bottom of the cork. — 4 years ago