#oregonpinot — 6 years ago
Rich fruit forward #oregonpinot — 7 years ago
Sweet spot honey pot! #oregonpinot — 8 years ago
Ruby hue with fuchsia rim variation. Medium tearing. Bright red fruit on the nose; notes of cherries, strawberry rhubarb, raspberry, violet, dried rose, wet slate, and potting soil. Delicate leather and dusty notes on the palate. Light and vibrant Willamette Valley Pinot with loads of red fruit characteristics and moderate acidity that dances on the palate. ABV 14.1%. Vintage 2017.
#pennerashwinecellars #willamettevalley #willamettevalleywine #pinotnoir #pinotvino #newworldpinot #oregonpinot #heartbreakgrape — 5 years ago
Sass is always one of my favorites for the price but I hadn't tried this vintage yet. As always, the fruit is ultra bright and expressive. There's no doubt about it, this has that natural wine vibe to it. Slight VA makes the aroma explode out of the glass... raspberry, blackberry and sour cherry. It's very lifted and lively. Slightly hot and the fruit is maybe a touch astringent. Structurally, this wine lacks delineation but it's delicious anyways. It's a different take and a more honest wine than most in the price bracket. Last time I talked to Jerry Sass he told me he was using less and less so2. Very cool.
#OREGON #PINOTNOIR #SASSWINE #OREGONWINE #WILLAMETTEVALLEY #oregonpinot #naturalwine — 7 years ago
#anniversarywine 10 yrs in... Perfect spot right now #oregonpinot — 8 years ago
#wilamette #oregonpinot — 6 years ago
Dusky cherry, lightest bananas foster, pomegranate reduction, raspberry-violet mocha and dried oregano. This is rich vapor with a depth of complexity. Good structure and black cherry brims with silken tannins. Coffee and cola under leather-plum umbrella over raspberry beret. The kind you find in a secondhand store. Classic Dundee. #BoedeckerCellars #Boedecker #pinotnoir #oregonpinotnoir #oregonpinot #singlevineyard #Stoller #StollerVineyard #Dundee #dundeehills #dundeehillsfinest #orpinotnoir #orpinot #clone777 — 7 years ago
Big house, small label production #oregonpinot very well made but still feeling tight — 7 years ago
Todd Scurci
#domainedrouhin #oregonpinot — 4 years ago