Very Burgundian in it's personality - subtle, balanced, dry, and with finesse and complexity, which is what I like. Black cherry with red cherry skins up front, some peppery notes on the finish, just a little bit of the green fruit quality you might expect from Willamette. Warning: did not retain it's beauty and subtlety through the next day. If you open this, you have committed to finishing it that night. #smallproduction #ORpinot #willamette — 9 years ago
David Kline
Dusky cherry, lightest bananas foster, pomegranate reduction, raspberry-violet mocha and dried oregano. This is rich vapor with a depth of complexity. Good structure and black cherry brims with silken tannins. Coffee and cola under leather-plum umbrella over raspberry beret. The kind you find in a secondhand store. Classic Dundee. #BoedeckerCellars #Boedecker #pinotnoir #oregonpinotnoir #oregonpinot #singlevineyard #Stoller #StollerVineyard #Dundee #dundeehills #dundeehillsfinest #orpinotnoir #orpinot #clone777 — 7 years ago