Sweet tobacco, chocolate, brown bread and black, plum, raspberry and blackberry, blueberry, black olive tapenade, sweet black jellybean, oak dust, and vanilla bean. Charred and tarry earth, dark leather, fire scorched clay, cinnamon, burnt brown sugar, graphite, smoke, dark, tart cherry, black olive, savory, brittle, and scorched nettle. Elegant mouthfeel and brooding complexity. Like a blackened aged steak. Really provocative!
#cdp #châteauneuf #chateauneuf #chateauneufdupape #châteauneufdupape #chateaudebeaucastel #perrin #cdprouge — 3 years ago
Smoky plum meets dank river and beef and ham’s baby on blacktop, with black rye, oregano, deer spoor, clay, and blackened corn meal. Medium mouthfeel, sharp plum-skin plus cranberrythat softens to raspberry and dried strawberry, rhubarb and miracle berry. Actually holding up well since 2005. #cdp #châteauneuf #chateauneufdepape #rhone #rhoneblend #frenchwines #xavier #anonyme #xaviercdpanonyme — 6 years ago
Shades of brick on the veneer; low variation across. Earthy, peppery, funky, fungus, tobacco leaf, dried cherry, overripe plum, violets, roses, dried bay and grill buildup. Silky palate explodes with rich red cherry and ripe plum. Prunes and fresh, ground black pepper follow while dark tobaccos and myrrh culminate. Rich, powerful, perfumed and incensed. This dungeon shadow hound from the underground begs for chunks of grilled meats!
#cdp #chateauneufdupape #châteauneuf #domainedurieu #2015 #magnum #appellationchâteauneufdupapecontrôlée #misenbouteilleaudomaine #rhone #rhonerouge — 9 months ago
Great density to this ruby/blood colored Saint. Earthy nose expresses shiitake and River reed, wet mud and new leather; cocoa dusted. Elegance and refinement on the fruit rich entry of raspberry reduction, ripe blackberry and blueberry, big fruit tannins, savory, licorice, lightest pepper, red cherry, subtle cinnamon and clove.
#cdp #châteauneuf #châteauneufdupape #domainedesaintpaul #2016cdp #dopeofthepope #rhone #rhonereds #crossedkeys #pontiffpours — 3 years ago
Uninterrupted rim saturation. Dark plum with rich pressed blackberry aromas; Applewood charcoal smoke, suede, and charred bacon. Violets and safe vie for recognition through a textbook panoply. Black and red plum bounce in the thick blackberry, with thyme and rosemary now, black pepper dusted grilled meat, dried lavender and sapling oak, blue spruce nettle, morel, pencil shavings, cottonseed, cassis, and black currant. There is an iron feel sifting through fine earth dust that seems to re-emerge on the finish. This is a real beauty with a stunning combo of finess and sinewy, farm strength. Sun-bronzed and Hands-on, she is a perfect assimilation of her environment. Great look!
#châteauneuf #chateauneufdepape #XavierAnonyme #XavierVignon #XavierCDP #cuvéeAnonyme #CDP #2016CDP #RhoneReds #frenchredwine #Rhone — 5 years ago
1995 Beaucastel.
Touch of very old balsamic on the nose is tucked deep inside coffe rye, sage, loose tobacco, dried strawberry, black cherry, African violet and rosemary rubbed, grilled rack. Dark chocolate, espresso, dried violet, maduro tobacco, blackberry, cassis, and black pepper. Alive and well with great density despite melding smoothness and tannin integration. In a very sweet spot now!
#chateuneuf #chateauneufdupape #châteauneufdupape #châteaudebeaucastel #beaucastel #cdp #toppape #appellationchâteauneufdupapecontrolèe #rhone — a year ago
Nose of black tea, portobello, baked plum and soft, unctuous cherry. Kirsch-chocolate, blood orange, French roast, marigold, ferromagnesian elements. Coffee, baking chocolate, black cherry skin, cigar smoke, venison jerky, char, cassis, and vine charcoal.
#cdp #châteauneuf #chateauneufdepape #chateaudebeaucastel #2004cdp #rhonewine #rhonereds #rhoneblend #familleperrin #appellationcdpcontrôlée #œnothèquechâteaudebeaucastel #pierredebeaucastel #crudebeaucastel — 3 years ago
Fantastically made white #cdp #chateauneufdupapeblanc it has a pinch of oak, a pinch of ripe melon like and honey , it’s smooth and easy. — 3 years ago
Textured and powerful. We should all drink more CDP blanc #cdp — 7 years ago
David Kline
2016 vintage! Ripe and baked plum notes coincide with suede and black pepper pestled. Beef cheek, porcini and cola find blueberry and cedar. Exquisite mouthfeel of silken raspberry tinged with black pepper; tannins integrated, but tsunami suggestive. Black cherry, cinnamon, cedar, pepper, and oak. Generous, with clove assertive, and vanilla extract as a rinse. Palpably papal, where red is the staple.
#châteauneufdupape #cdp #rhonerouge #appellationchâteauneufdupapecontrôlée #châteaugigognan #châteaugigonancardinalice #cardinalice #misenbouteilleauchâteau #grenache — 9 months ago