100 year-old Mourvèdre; mostly CDP, a little Vinsobres. Blackberry, mulberry. Ferocious concentration, firm and tannic. Clean; no brett. So pure. Check back in five years...#xavier #mourvèdre #rhone — 7 years ago
Wild fraises, kirsch, garrigue. Maybe the greatest in the history of these benchmark CDR. Has the concentration and length of most southern Rhône crus. Superior. #xavier #côtesdurhône #grenache — 7 years ago
More open & approachable than previous vintages. Typical Anonyme: tannic, huge ripeness and impossibly low pH. Kirsch, hot silica. Just incredible. #xavier #châteauneuf #rhone — 7 years ago
David Kline
Smoky plum meets dank river and beef and ham’s baby on blacktop, with black rye, oregano, deer spoor, clay, and blackened corn meal. Medium mouthfeel, sharp plum-skin plus cranberrythat softens to raspberry and dried strawberry, rhubarb and miracle berry. Actually holding up well since 2005. #cdp #châteauneuf #chateauneufdepape #rhone #rhoneblend #frenchwines #xavier #anonyme #xaviercdpanonyme — 6 years ago