Named for Lancelot! And frankly...the acidic tannic, and alcoholic strength of this make me feel it has the capacity to rescue moi from this recent bull we call life. Oh tasting? It’s medium plus on acid tannins alcohol and also fun. You get prunes. You get black cherries. You get balsamic vinegar but it’s not too...serious. It enlivens and awakens to what a good Lambrusco can be and so help me wine...this is a good Lambrusco. — 5 years ago
This is not the rosé! Hopefully that gets corrected shortly. How much love I have for red bubbles. My goth heart jetés. This is all dried herb drawer and dried jam jar. Like seriously the scent of an empty black currant jam jar. There is a hint of sour dairy beguiling me behind. Labeled as demi sec but feels quite dry to me. The tannins have a friendly grip like the soft side of a Velcro enclosure. — 5 years ago
Parigot is the stuff. I was looking for the red sparkling I’d had once upon a time but was super okay to settle for this (albeit if you have a source for the red TELL ME)! Red berry blend (there are hints of it all—strawberry raspberry currant) plus watermelon freshness and this slight earthy funk that—-is there a whiff of brett on it?! Slight white pepper and some greens that are both bitter and sweet. It’s a hug and a loving smack all at once. — 5 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Very good value and totally comfy wine. Pretty to look at and not challenging on the palate which is not to say it doesn’t pack a berry-rich punch with the barest hint at savory under all. Plush dry tannins. Plush bod. And jam but make it dry. — 5 years ago