Tricky blind if there wasn't a preceding Portugieser in the line-up. Very elegant with notes of cherries, roses, and dried spices, along with a touch of smoke and musk. Fresh and juicy on the palate. Simpler, but very enjoyable - an impressive effort considering the varietal. — 2 years ago
Probably my favorite Riesling of the Austrian Riesling lunch at FLXcursion — 4 years ago
Frisk med saftig frukt med hög fräschör. Stenfrukt, blommor, jasmin, lime med distrikt salt avslut som får det att vattnas i munnen. Vinhus med anor från 1400-talet som ägs av staden Krems. Från 0,45 Ha av den terrasserade vingården Ried Schreck i Kremstal. Mycket bra. — 4 years ago
Smooth, fruity middle, light mineral finish - very good — 2 months ago
Hotel Stadt Wien, Zell am See PN , thought I was taking a risk with unknown local wine, boy was I proved of the very best PN experiences, light yes, but it's a PN with a punch — 2 years ago
Fresh stone, lemon rind, green apple, honey. — 3 years ago
Just opened this. One can tell this will be a journey. I would only open this if you have at least 2-3 hours to Taste it. It’s all over the place on open. Basically tastes like if Ziereisen made wine in the mountains.
Nose is dense but has that alpine thing you get from like savoie. Very pretty. Almost intoxicating. Like a field of flowering cherry trees on top of a mountain.
Palate is very bright. Sweet cherry fruit.
A 9.5 easy on open. I’m guessing this will be better as it airs and integrates.
As this opens holy fuck. Nose is alpine with some gevrey spice. Palate is rubber made from grape vines (I know impossible), cherry. Rich. Elegant Cherry extract. Just a kiss of bitterness. Wowowowowo. So elegantly rich. Unbelievable.
Bought from fass selections. — 4 years ago
The nose is just the most incredible thing and if the palate wasn’t so delicious I’d be smelling this cider till the pigs come home. It’s smokey. But smokey in a smoked applewood type of way. It’s got green apple, red apple, and the aromas are mostly green and red apple skins and not the flesh. It’s not floral but has that same floral effect a floral red or white wine has in that it’s expansive and has a bouquet but these “floral” aromas are more like leaves. Fresh, gorgeous leaves. It’s so uncanny how complex this nose is. The nose also has hickory and iodine and I yelled out “This!! This is what would happen if you made Puligny Montrachet from apples!” I was so proud of myself. It’s got that Puligny iodine, sweet hazelnut thing and a kind of florality from the combo of apple skins and leaves. It’s just insane. After maybe 25-45 minutes of air this develops some quince, apricots and spice aromas that only add to the allure.
The palate is so juicy. I mean this is juicy and delicious like nothing else. It’s so explosive and just bursting with the purest green and red apple flavors one can imagine. It’s absurd. Nearly religious experience as you cannot comprehend how apples can be fermented into something that is at once contemplative and also insanely delicious. It’s delicious like ice cream you cannot stop eating. There are few wines like this and even fewer beverages. It’s so pure and so refined with just incredible finesse. The palate has these amazing candied apples that I have never experienced before in my life. These candied apples in this cider have to be tasted to be believed. There are also flavors of brioche and sourdough bread. There is a hint of sweetness but it’s like the sweetness one gets when one bites into a ripe, juicy perfect mid season apple. This is so so juicy and so clean. I mean this is as clean as any beverage I have ever had. The finish goes on forever and ever and finished with spice, complexity, green apple skins, green leaves, hazelnuts and iodine. This is absolutely bonkers cider — 7 months ago
Tannic white. Pleasant and gorgeously colored, but not as wild as some other skin contact wines I’ve had. — 4 years ago
Had this vintage awhile back and it might be shut down: reductive nose, quite tight & angular - all knees & elbows — a month ago