Maria dinner 5/30/21 a second surprise. Was not a favorite. Should have blinded. Still think it’s a big surprisingly good Merlot from Georgia the State of all places. Great with Pei’s Costco duck and thin pancake wrap! — 4 years ago
Die Königin des Feuers Helles
Privatbrauerei Eichbaum
Manheim Deutschland
Foamtastic snowy egret cloud suspended above palest straw translucence. Puffs of lemon pffts of lime, inter-dimensional remnants of green olive, rice cracker nez. Zest dusted dinner roll stuffed with brioche, pancake batter and Meyer lemon. Tasty, clean queen, with a refreshing sheen.
#PrivatbrauereiEichbaum #DieKönigindesFeuers #Helles #germanbeer #deutschebier #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza — 3 months ago
Smells like your kitchen on a Saturday morning.
Warming blueberry pancake syrup, splattering bacon grease, chicory steeped coffee, baked cinnamon and nutmeg, and fresh air passing through open windows directly through a bouquet of violets.
Charismatic and vibrant, it's also chewy with a rich, sweet concentrated core of raisins, dates, and compote.
Not as complex and distinct, and multilayered as I was expecting, but hard to complain in a weekend state of mind. — 2 years ago
Orange-ecru foam dome bubble puff regresses to cat paw print then scorpion tail. Dark auburn and andalusite color is stunning. Brown bread toast nose with hints of pancake, turbinado and honey. Great dunkle profile bolsters the palate in an embrace of pecan, brazil nut, cola nut and rye points, with a baking chocolate sprinkle. Tea and coffee notes linger.
#samadams #ssmadamsbeerfest #beerfest #festbeer #dunkle #samadamsflannelfest #flannelfest #munichstyledunkel — 6 months ago
Big, fruity, floral concentrate of Spanish Monestral. Intense extracted prunes, ripe dark berries, a basket of fresh stripped cedar.
Has you thinking about fresh pressed violets, finger staining wild Maine blueberries, and boysenberry pancake syrup. — 4 years ago
Sam Friedland
Was a great match with baby Dutch pancake with smoked Alaskan salmon — a month ago