Honey nectar where time has carved out concrete smoothed smokey cool aromas of grilled pineapple and canned apricot.
Sweet and weighs like a brick, thick with nuance to sift through. Yellow peach, burnt popcorn, green coriander, lychee last to say goodnight — 3 months ago
Balanced, elegant nose, but the main event is the gravity blanket texture and deep concentrated flavor that goes and goes and doesn't feel showy. It's a powerful dichotomy with momentum up and to the right.
Sweet tobacco, cocoa, graphite, cherry, black pepper, and lavender. — 3 months ago
Lots of beautiful happenings on a bed of chocolate pudding, raisiny fruit leathery notes and creeping volatile acid for that elevating effect I love.
Soft, plush, chewy, has some weight with zero grip and satin texture.
Cocoa, coffee, cassis, lavender, fruit leather and cedar. Departing breakfast of bacon and blueberry sausage - so long and goodbye. — a month ago
The difference 40 years makes is maybe just a thin wooly blanket.
Pull it back and this thing's full of life - bright, vibrant, gas in the tank.
It’s brighter yellow than tired gold. Theres more fruit than decay. Sour apricots and yellow canned peaches, white popcorn and greasy bacon, and that foggy musk.
Acid rips through and does not give. Barely sweet with the demi-sec tag thats written right there but I'm not buying it.
Tonight this is 40 years old, just gettin' goin, just like me. — 2 months ago
2023 Le Mont Sec is so full of golden Chenin character despite its pearly glint.
Close your eyes and its thick pierced red apple skin, browning cores and buckwheat honey with a strong floral character.
My favorite dynamic of sweet suggestions, dry deliverable. — 3 months ago
Ely Cohn
A lightweight with pretty little bits of musk, laser lemon balm, wild violets. Oily texture.
A lot to like but his honey golden wines are more fun. — 8 days ago