Un #gewürztraminer dans le #sud #gerardbertrand #wine very interesting wine ! — 10 years ago
Glad I saved this baby. Although I prefer Gewurztraminers with more of a floral flourish, I think this is reflective of the warm 2010 vintage in the Finger Lakes: orange & quince on the palate and yeah, lychee all the way. Orange blossom on the nose too. Lovely! The body is pleasantly oily and the finish long and smooth. #hermannjwiemer #flxwine #flx #gewürztraminer #gewurztraminer — 10 years ago
Gewürztraminer is always a good choice for Thanksgiving. #gewürztraminer #germanwine #friendsgiving — 9 years ago
good with #japanese #curry. interestingly, it had no funky smell for a zero SO2 #wine guess that's the power if #gewürztraminer ! — 10 years ago
#italianwine #gewürztraminer at night. — 10 years ago
Awesome dry Gewurtz. 🌸 #vml #russianrivervalley #gewürztraminer #2014 — 10 years ago
Past its prime. #germanwine #gewürztraminer #1976 — 10 years ago
Whenever you need #gewürztraminer #wine knock at this door. A classic and a must that never lets you down! #altoadige #winelover #italianwine #sommelier #sommelierlife — 10 years ago
Chip Hughes
And then there was this...absolute perfection. Still fresh, youthful, spicy, massive acidity, aging slowly. Hints of fruity coffee and molasses creeping in. #barmesbuecher #gewürztraminer #alsace — 8 years ago