
Parish Brewing Company

Dr Juice IPA

Swirly-cloud, pear-from-syrup colored nectar boasting old-newspaper-“white”, frothy mallow-moon icing. Grapefruit candy meets ginger candy at the soft lemon foam; tenderness ensues. Spun sugar pith on sticks, lemon and orange marshmallows away gently in tangerine breezes. A frozen pineapple iceberg floats by, it’s head peeping innocently above the swirly floes. Damn refreshing frozen knife of summer. Stick with it. .
#parrishbrewing #drjuice #labeer #parrishdrjuiceipa #drjuiceipa #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #ale #broussardla #beer #birra #bier #biere #cerveza #cerveja
— 4 years ago

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