A beautiful elegant and complex wine with lots of life left. It is at a nice mixed point of youth meeting some age. #burgundy #bonnesmares #pinotnoir #dujac #msclassic — 10 years ago
One of my all-time favorite #Burgundian sites, this #1996 Bonnes-Mares is showing beautifully now. Mugnier's wines can be very delicate and elegant even in years such as '96 when many others produced big blockbusters...not so here. This is very attractive and will continue to make you happy for another decade! #Mugnier #BonnesMares #GrandCru — 9 years ago
Spicy and herbal to say the least with crunchy red fruit. Did I say herbal already? #vogue #bonnesmares #burgundy — 10 years ago
Over the past decade or so, I've had the chance to taste quite a few wines from this fine estate going back to the glorious '85 vintage, but this was another dimension... its sheer grace and elegance along with beguilingly sensuous, silky textures were enough to make a grown man cry...this is what great #Burgundy is all about--YUM! #Mugnier #BonnesMares #GrandCru #2002 — 9 years ago
Gorgeous bottle, definitely still Dujac with beautiful Christmas spice, but another layer of savory, almost animal elements. For some the favorite bottle of the 90's. #dujac #bonnesmares #redburgundy — 10 years ago
Charles (Chad) Bucklin
Owner and founder of C. T. Bucklin Wine Advising
Truly amazing. This wine was flat and tasteless when first opened. 30 minutes later it developed into a rich and complex wine with sweet red and black fruit. The balance was perfect and the length was profound. #bonnesmares #pierrebouree #chambollemusigny #grandcru #cotedenuits #burgundy #pinotnoir #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago