Got the plow of classic Rosenblum. Color is prefect. Rosy red. Aroma is strange. Maybe mole. Or mole and plum sauce. Flavors are chewy, dense and jammy. Classic Zin. This aged quite well. Balance is fantastic. A winner of a Sonoma county Zin. Great, great deal at Gross Outlet. — 2 years ago
At first pour - this wine was bricked and burnt orange. Tasted gross frankly. Hit it with the winepro2 oxygen and it magically began to open up and reveal something. Paired it with some Parmesan cheese and then it started humming. Enjoyed with a lemon garlic Parmesan pasta. Alls well that ends well. — a year ago
Like, from Costco! Tastes like a CA barbera. Brambleberrie and juicy without loss of structure or gross maple/oak/anything else. Surprised me. Super drinkable without help. — 2 years ago
Strawberry, peach and mineral with a hint of bubbles. Light and not too sweet. Also, doesn’t taste gross as it warms. The perfect summer wine — 3 years ago
This wine is very good but what a gross hellscape of label, God — 4 years ago
Hat stoffigen, gereiften Charakter — 2 years ago
Does perfume mean "shit my grandma sprayed on before church"?? Gross. But it has that - however I'd call it "butterscotch coffee table treat + lilac "that bitch is stinky but better than grandma's cigarettes" in terms of nose. Also the nose fucks my macerated pear bussy. Giving me cobbler vibes - Hallélooh! In terms of tongue, she sits like a mineral princess on a southern porch swing - green apple and green grape with a micro green or basil down-played bitch slap to make me comfortable being THAT BITCH! Welcome - I'm that bitch and I love this! — 2 years ago
Jeremiah Diaz
Pale ruby in color; bright cherries, black tea, and potpourri on the nose; medium plus acidity; medium plus tannins; tastes like cranberries, raspberries, and clay pots with a long finish. Nellie didn't like it, Thy says it's gross, Jason says it's ok, I like it, and Wine Spectator ranked it as number 9 in its top 100 list of wines for 2024. — 4 months ago