Wow. Smooth. Interesting — 2 years ago
One of the favorites of the tasting. This 100% Grenache CDP (if my memories are good) that pinots surprisingly on red fruit notes, and olfactory referents that would lead us to Burgundy or some old Beaujolais crus (Brouilly 2006 by F. Aublanc): Potpourri, dried flowers etc. Acidity is full of promises for evolution and aging.
Un des coups de cœur de la dégustation. Ce CDP 100% (si mes souvenirs sont bons) qui pinote de manière surprenante sur des notes fruits rouges, et des référents olfactifs qui nous mènerait plus du côté de la Bourgogne voir certains vieux crus du Beaujolais (Brouilly 2006 de F. Aublanc): Pot-Pourri, fleurs séchées etc. L’acidité est pleine de promesse pour l’évolution et la garde. — 3 years ago
Lightly chilled with roast chicken on Mother’s Day night, this was exactly the kind of light-bodied but multi-dimensional red we craved. — 10 months ago
It tastes like les boutes rouges, poulsard and trousseau. Cop if you can. — 2 years ago
LoireTasting #6 - cab franc serie
Deep garnet color, thick (not filtered, not glued) Beautiful evolved notes - red fruits, licorice, pomegranate, and many shades between undergrowth, spices etc. developing during tasting. A Loire wine that has magnificently endured 18 years in cellar and needs to take the time to open.
Robe grenat profonde, épaisse (non filtrée, non collée) Belles notes évoluées - fruits rouges, réglisse, grenade, et nombreuses nuances entres sous-bois, épices etc. se développant en cours de dégustation. Un vin de Loire qui a magnifiquement supporté 18 ans de garde et qui a besoin de prendre le temps de s’ouvrir. — 2 years ago
Light bodied and delicious. Red licorice and cranberries. Lively wine — 2 months ago