Always delicious, a classic Weizenbier. — 8 years ago
Jumping spider eye bubbles mass in a parabola foam while smaller bubble sheens fill the bursting absences, until the whole becomes an espresso foam, and equally oiled. Unction lacings lean Hebraic but ultimately are the dream fonts writ by the hand of G-d. Mene Mene Tekel Parsin they seem to say before fluttering away as constellations on a starling’s back. Fair warning as this is a heavy purse to carry. Six years in and taking stock. Figs, dates, treacle, raisins, carob, caramel, vanilla bean, sweet potato casserole, bacon fat, mincemeat. Rich on the palate with milk chocolate, molasses, Turkish coffee, gingerbread, candied date, and espresso-tobacco finish. Gloriously integrated and complex complexions.
#oldstockale #oldstock #2016 #northcoastbrewing #bièredegarde #agedbeer #bier #beer #birra #biere #cerveza #northcoast — 2 years ago
Pilsner from my favourite craft beer brewery. Enjoyed with sunset at the Kaike onsen beach. — 9 years ago
This is good and I usually don’t like beer 8.2% — 3 years ago
Whoa never had a beer like this, smooth soft but also fragrant, citrus floral even hint of clove and mild banana — 4 years ago
Hmmm. Cork was pretty soaked and reeks of TCA. Nose of this is devoid of anything really (possibly caused by cork). Flavors are like a green candy apple and under ripe pear. Refreshing really. Think a super hot day and you just want lawn mower beer. This could be your lawn mower bubbly. Tirage 2017. Disgorged 6/13/2018. 4.5 g/L. SS — 5 years ago
This is a nice solid hefe - weisee, not sweet or too wheaty. Glad to discover this beer. — 9 years ago
Jerry Dixon
Had this beer with friends on the rooftop at Sebastiano’s in Rome! — 2 years ago