Leather, cigar box, with some acid and sling bitterness on the finish — 4 years ago
Lightly bittered, pepper and fruity — 8 years ago
$40 opens up with spice finish and nice tannin bite — 3 years ago
On one of those “oh, shit it’s Mother’s Day” kind of days when you want to open something truely quaffable, after the perfunctory bottle of Moët, this is under appreciated. Best left for when you need to: a) impress on your first date with a supermodel b) convince Johnson that you are the man for the big Clarkson account c) apologise for forgetting your significant others birthday, or d) take a sling at Bourgeois depression
Fantastic drop, but probably better cellared for a while longer. — 5 years ago
Peach light clear, sweet cider and moss on the nose. Peach, light sling contact adds depth,light minerals, finishes on herbs. I really enjoy the producer. — 7 years ago
Had another bottle on 1/30/22 and it held up. Lovely and very drinkable. — 3 years ago
This little known bottle had a sling and a rock and it took down a giant! Yep David vs. Goliath! This was the biggest surprise of the night! @Paul Treadway Huntington Beacher @Jade Moore I will be buying more. @Mike Smith @Shay A @Kimberly Anderson @Aaron Means @Antonio Galloni @Carl Fischer @Connor McMahon @Ceccherini Cristiano @Martin G Rivard @Bill Bender @Terri Walker @TheSkip @Jim Trobaugh @Jody Scharf @Warren Sapp @Walter Sorensen @Stanley Barrios @Neal Schaffer — 7 years ago
Martin Sher
Ya know - not horrible with some very spicy pizza. — 2 years ago