Amazing as always. What a palate cleanser. #fizz #champagne #bubbles #agrapart #mineral #moreplease #wineporn #greatwine #latergram #winesofyesterday — 10 years ago
Solid entry Orange. Nothing difficult about it. So good for everyone. #wine #orangewine #cosvittoria #saladwine #italianwine #winestrong #contactsport — 10 years ago
Beautiful and I want more. Fantastic value that I want all summer. #barmesbuecher #herrenweg #alsace #riesling #tension #tightrope #instawine #wineporn Europe#winestrong #alsacewine #lasersinaglass — 10 years ago
9.1 for the wine, 9.8 for the lumberjack level of oak. #metrolumberjack #sexyoak #burgundy #geveryhambertin #wine #bourboncaskedburgundy #wineporn #instawine #latergram #greatcompany — 10 years ago
Well that over delivered on it's price point. — 10 years ago
Solid Sunday Supper Sipper. #ssss #solidsundaysuppersipper #wine #wineporn #dolcetto #robertovoerzio #blueberriesfordays #hourglasstannins — 10 years ago
WineSamurai had this 9 years ago