Spring in a bottle #petnat #DonkeyandGoat — 9 years ago
This is the twin of #EricPfifferling of #L'anglore and his #carignan ohlala! I had meant to have his Grenache but accidentally bought his carignan for Christmas in #Paris. I remember the purity of it blew my mind. #Twinning! #DonkeyAndGoat bright flash of acidity, ripe red raspberries and cranberries. Excellent! I need another bottle! — 10 years ago
Ripping acidity and lovely tart red fruits. #pinotnoir #pinot #andersonvalley #donkeyandgoat #2012 #unfiltered — 10 years ago
Amy Atwood
Founder/Owner Amy Atwood Selections
So happy to have this stunner back! BioD, skin ferment pinot gris Ramato #donkeyandgoat — 9 years ago