Ever one of the better pumpkin offerings. Medium Chocolate brown with mere tufts of ecru that retreats to a spiderweb study against a black backdrop and minuscule pointillist’s lacing of an unctuous nature. Buttery toffee and dark candy glass with treacle and molasses mix with mocha and brownie warmth. Earmarks of vanilla bean and nutmeg with the finest dusting of just heated red chili and cooking coffee greet the nose. Initially, chili-cinnamon warmth appear then fade to espresso and bourbon-caramels. Thick malts, and licorice resins in raisin and date purées and beet and brown sugars. Vanilla is the finish with perfect Connecticut wrapped cigar flavors to make this an exceptional treat! #crownvalley #crownvalleyimperialpumpkinstout #pumpkinbeer #stout #imperialstout #beer #bier #birra #MObeer #missouribeer — 5 years ago
David Kline
Ever one of the better pumpkin offerings. Medium Chocolate brown with mere tufts of ecru that retreats to a spiderweb study against a black backdrop and minuscule pointillist’s lacing of an unctuous nature. Buttery toffee and dark candy glass with treacle and molasses mix with mocha and brownie warmth. Earmarks of vanilla bean and nutmeg with the finest dusting of just heated red chili and cooking coffee greet the nose. Initially, chili-cinnamon warmth appear then fade to espresso and bourbon-caramels. Thick malts, and licorice resins in raisin and date purées and beet and brown sugars. Vanilla is the finish with perfect Connecticut wrapped cigar flavors to make this an exceptional treat! #crownvalley #crownvalleyimperialpumpkinstout #pumpkinbeer #stout #imperialstout #beer #bier #birra #MObeer #missouribeer — 5 years ago