

Polish Hill River Riesling 2019


Bone dry. High acid. What’s not to like? Well, it’s a 2019 and the label even says “with careful cellaring, this wine will develop into a wonderful aged Riesling” I don’t want to cellar a #Riesling from #australia #clarevalley I want to buy it and drink it now. I hardly cellar anything really and nothing under $50. I didn’t buy this to cellar it (guess I should’ve read the fine text). Point is, quite sharp and malic and the range of aromas and flavors is sour lemon, sour lime, sour orange and hints of bitter, sour yoghurt. It’s racy and good for spicy food. — 4 years ago

Bob, Daniel P. and 2 others liked this
Bob McDonald

Bob McDonald Influencer Badge

@MICHAEL COOPER The cellaring will be well rewarded I can assure you Michael - particularly from Polish Hill.

Tim Adams

Clare Valley Sémillon 2006

15.5/20 (88/100)

Цвет насыщенно-золотистый. Аромат сильный, с тонами воска, прополиса, продуктов пчеловодства, во втором плане проступают цитрусовые тона. Во вкусе воск, медовые тона, грейпфрут. Послевкусие долгое.

#EnotriaMoscow #newworld #australia #dwaustralia #clarevalley #semillon #pts88
— 10 years ago


Clare Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2000

20.00 for an aged cab that was rockin!!! #clarevalley — 11 years ago


Polish Hill Clare Valley Riesling 2014


#clarevalley #riesling Great producer. I believed this wine to be very good, but yet not outstanding because of its over the top burnt matchstick aromas and flavors. They sort of mask and ruin everything for me. It has many good qualities like pronounced aromas of yellow apples and quince and limes. With a long finish and pronounced flavor intensity but with the phosphorus quality becoming annoying. — 8 years ago

Daniel P., Ted and 4 others liked this
Ira Schwartz

Ira Schwartz Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@MICHAEL COOPER That phosphorus quality unquestionably in the DNA of this producer. Examples that have had this reduced (never totally dissipate ) are great IMO.

Tim Adams

The Fergus Clare Valley Grenache Blend 2007

16.5/20 (91/100)

Цвет гранатово-рубиновый, не слишком плотный. Аромат сухих черных и красных ягод, немного тонов туи и мяты, табачные оттенки, немного копченостей. Тело умеренно плотное, вкус насыщенный, с преобладанием вишневых тоном, нотами брусники. Послевкусие продолжительное.

#EnotriaMoscow #newworld #australia #dwaustralia #grenache #clarevalley #pts91
— 10 years ago

Mikhail liked this

Mocandunda Vineyards

Stony Ridge Riesling 2012

A fantastic Riesling, my simple every day refreshment. 2012 vintage but not showing the age, still amazingly fresh with stunning acidity.#riesling #clarevalley #ladolcevita — 10 years ago


Bin 7 Riesling 2003

Famous #australian #riesling from the #clarevalley made by #accolade company #leasingham . From the hot season of #2003 though mot looking shabby; pale gold yes; spice and restraint not strong kero or honey; backward a little; evolving fruit; blessed by screwcap; 12.5%. — 9 years ago

Bob and Tim liked this

Leo Buring

Maturation Reserve Eden Valley Riesling 1997

After a long diet of #clarevalley #riesling ; great to drink #edenvalley ; the difference very obvious, more spice less lime juice, very coloured but great palate; so good, so great, delicate dolls with flavour; 1997, Maturation release — 9 years ago

"Odedi", Casey and 5 others liked this


McNicol Riesling 2007

Just great riesling; colour still pale, will last past another decade or more; top wine level from Clare Valley producer Mitchell; 2007; #SA #drinkaussie #clarevalley #riesling #mcnicol #mitchell #2007 #bottleage — 10 years ago

Scott liked this