It’s a very pure, full bodied expression of #garnacha from #Calatayud #highaltitude #highelevation — 6 years ago
Very well balanced and smooth #syrah from #calatayud my favorite part was the touch of black pepper on the finish. I love it when a Syrah gives me that peppery touch — 9 years ago
16/20 (90/100)
Ягоды в сахаре, закипающее на огне варенье. Немного дыма, копчёностей, кожи, замши, земляники. Лёгкий солено-огуречный оттенок. Очень интересное, развивающееся. Вкус весьма полный, очень ягодный, танины хорошо структурированные. Потенциал к хранению.
#SWNGrenache #spain #aragon #calatayud #grenache #pts90 — 10 years ago
Pure but simplistic. A little rough or coarse around the edges. I disagree with 94 points #Parker because while pure and clean, it is overly stoic and slightly boring and lacks complexity. #calatayud #garnacha — 4 years ago
Deep violet, med intensity nose with hints of violets, blackberry jam, yoghurt. #syrah #calatayud #spanishwine — 9 years ago
Smoke and ash on the nose dark blueberries and welch's grape juice and rocks. Semi-seco, off dry. Spicy and crushed red berries and black currants on the palate. Love it. Go Norrel go! #mw #calatayud #garnacha — 9 years ago
#garnacha pure from #calatayud if you haven’t had #spanish #grenache then you should definitely try a Garnacha from #calatayud like this one or #vinosdelviento — 5 years ago
Garnacha is always a fun drinking wine. This is a delicious example. Red fruits and spices are highlighted on the palate. I thought it had a long finish. This has a high drinkability factor. This is a wine that you will enjoy and you have to watch out because you will be out quicker than you thought. #Spain #Calatayud #garnachalover #garnacha #Pallasfamilywines — 7 years ago
A good value, worth buying again. #calatayud #fayad — 9 years ago
Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger,
#clarete selecto a very special #claret from #Calatayud — 2 months ago