

Ritchie Vineyard Pinot Noir 2012

15% alcohol #pinotnoir should have a category on its own, #aubert #wine #sonomacoast — 10 years ago


UV Vineyard Pinot Noir 2007

Nicks and scrapes on the label didn't impair the taste of this powerful #aubert #pinot — 10 years ago


UV Vineyard Pinot Noir 2012

Tasty tasty! This is a super luscious Pinot! #loveit #wine #pinot #california #aubert — 10 years ago

Adam ChilversDuane Crowley
with Adam and Duane
Hermes and David liked this


UV-SL Vineyard Pinot Noir 2010

Is this Pinot or rather #Zin? #Grenache? So ripe it has lost a its pinot soul #aubert #wine #ipob — 10 years ago


Lauren Vineyard Chardonnay 2007

Advanced. Drink up. #aubert — 10 years ago

Anthony, Roman and 3 others liked this
Michael Meyer

Michael Meyer Premium Badge

That's interesting...I would have thought these wines had more longevity.

romo Premium Badge

Me too. I've had some bottle variation over the last year.


CIX Sonoma Coast Chardonnay

This was the wife's starter bottle at dinner with #friedoysters @highcotton #aubert #chard #ritchievineyard #wine — 10 years ago