Old World vs. New World Round Four: Chenin Blanc!

I would like the world to consume more Chenin Blanc . If I had to pick a desert island white, I’d pick Chenin. If I had to pick a dessert island wine, I’d also pick Chenin in the form of the botrytis-rich Quarts-de-Chaume or Bonnezeaux . Chenin comes in so many guises: still-silken-dry-offdry-sparkling-sweet-botrytized or not. Chenin contains multitudes. Chenin is every woman. If I ever have a child—doubtful as it would interfere with my wine life—I will name them Chenin Eleven Grey. Eleven being my favorite number. And grey (yes I fancy the British name for the colour) because it’s pretty. And so is Chenin Blanc. Also known as Pineau de la Loire, the berry originated out of the Loire Valley in France. Chenin can be as silky as it sounds. Was it a name formed of onomatopoeia? No. The wine does not really make the sound of its name. But close your eyes. Take a sip of Chenin Blanc. Lets say it slowly. The shhhhhhhh of the C-h-e conjures rustling silk on par with the texture of the wine. Syllable two: “nin”. As precise and sharp as the whoosh of acid that hits you after those suave honeyed notes. Chenin is magic. Chenin has a kinetic personality beneath its comforting embrace. Basic tasting notes on the grape include: pear, honey, apples, lanolin, orange blossom, and in the case of some, botrytis (marmalade and ginger). Acid lifts all and keeps even the sweet and unctuous examples from being cloying. It is a grape to fill your heart and lighten your soul. In the Loire, Chenin Blanc takes a few different faces. When not being grown in the Loire, Chenin Blanc has a name for itself in South Africa. I’m also seeing and tasting a handful of California Chenins, so the task I’ve set out for myself is to pick a favorite Chenin, attempting to focus on the dry examples. I dream of reviewing the sweet wine examples of the Loire or the sparklings of Saumur, but that seems like another contest. Perhaps one I will someday assay. Oh, and a shower Chenin? I must go with California Chenin because drinking in the shower is a ridiculous thing. No one should do it, but here in Los Angeles, we like to get a little extra. So grab a bottle of Birichino, get clean, then read this and get educated. Game on! LOIRE Chenin Blanc probably was named for Montchenin monastery in the Touraine, a sub region of the Loire, but perhaps best known as Vouvray. A sub region of the Touraine sub region. Basically, getting a wine education is just getting familiar with smaller and smaller parcels of vines until you are on a first-name basis with a raisin. And a raisin you may in fact meet in the Loire, where the grape bunches ripen unevenly causing most wine growers to pick their grapes in “tries”, meaning they go out week after week picking individual berries at varying stages of ripeness, used for various wines. Less ripe ones are used for sparkling, whereas dried and/or noble rot affected berries will be used for anything from dry to full-on dessert style wine. Vincent Carême Le Peu Morier Vouvray Chenin Blanc 2012 Classic dry but…is it off-dry? Nah, this is dry but rich and aged. And look at that gold booze shine! It has moderate nuance and maximum suck-down-ability, while at the same time making you slow your roll to say hey, this is interesting…but it’s so good! And so you suck down more. Another sub region of the Loire is Anjou, where you’ll find some wine labeled as “Anjou Blanc”. It may be blended with 20% chard or Sauvignon Blanc. And there is a true rock star making Chenin Blanc I regard as being art: Thibaud Boudignon Anjou Blanc 2014 I had a friend go into this TRYING to find a reason to not like it but…Boudignon is sheer magic. Lithe and complex and choreographed to dance across your tongue with the skill of Baryshnikov: it is a masterpiece. Should the Louvre ever have a wine section, it deserves to be there. A sub region of Anjou making Chenin Blanc is Savennières, where the wine is typically (though not always) dry. I must be honest I went into this tasting expecting Savennières to be my most favorite wine. Results at the end of this column. Domaine de Baumard Savennières 2016 Garden party in autumn light. The golden rays shining through leaves changing color over a banquet of pears, apples and lemon tea with honey. All on an island of gravel mid-garden. CALIFORNIA Chenin is a high yielding variety, and apparently anonymously hiding in bulk white blends where overcropping mutes is what makes Chenin Chenin. But smart winemakers are finding the way to let it shine solo: Rorick Vineyard Calaveras County Chenin Blanc 2016 Cali Chenin victory. All hope not lost. Possibly more European than some Euro Chen. It’s a complex medley of spiced baked fruit covered with honey but…there was an animal hanging out nearby in a way that adds a tawdry fun funk. OMG. This wine. Ridic fun. Birichino Old Vines Chenin Blanc Jurassic Park Santa Ynez Vineyard 2016 and 2017 Hell, I loved both years. 2016 felt more Old World and 2017 more New, but both are balanced. They are applesauce with a hearty shake of orange blossom water and a whiff of flint. Or whatever is the proper term for something mineral and gassy and oh so delightful against fullness of fruit. SOUTH AFRICA South Africa had their own name for name for Chenin: Steen. But these days most bottles will refer to it as Chenin Blanc. The south African Chenins were the least “Chenin-y” I tasted. Oh, they gave good pome. In other words, so much pear and apple flavor. Plus tropical fruit and a minerality to beat out all other wines. Out of the ones I tried. A.A. Badenhorst Family Wines Secateurs Swartland Chenin Blanc From the land of old vines comes this wine gleaming gold even before it has age. I will say if you get it in a narrow glass give it a big ol’ swirl, but…it is a weird one in the best way. It had oh so much ripe tropical fun juxtaposed against a straight up gas nature you’d expect out of an aged Riesling. A steely “gout de pièrre a la fusil” you might meet in a Chablis. A glassful of controversy that pulls you into its compelling argument. Beaumont Wines Hope Marguerite Chenin Blanc 2017 Perfect balance. As I can’t find an element out of balance almost to a fault. This is your friend in high school, so type A that you sadistically assume/hope they will self-implode under correctness. But this wine will not because you are gonna drink it before it can get a gambling addiction or unwanted pregnancy. It has stone fruit, apples, honey and myrrh. And a hint of vanilla. It goes on. It holds on. It would go as well with a zesty acidic salad as it would a richer dish. So. So many Chenins. Which was my favorite? Why do you make me choose? Oh oops that was me making me choose when I pitched the “Old World vs. New World column” as a concept. I went into this thinking Savennières would inevitably be my choice. But then I got into the South African wines and I pivoted. South Africa is doing a damned fine job making stellar stuff. Plus many have terrific QPR at the moment, so drink up whilst ye may! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Want to read more from Ellen? Check out her recent articles: Live, Raw and Real Old World vs. New World Round Three: Malbec! Old World vs. New World Round Two: Grenache Noir! Old World vs. New World Round One: Cabernet! You can also listen to Ellen's podcast with Shaughn Buchholz, The Wine Situation here .

Beaumont Wines

Hope Marguerite Chenin Blanc 2017

Damn perfect balance almost to the point of wanting some more excitement but why mess with what is not broken? Terrific wine. That is all. — 6 years ago

David, Daniel and 15 others liked this

Vincent Carême

Le Peu Morier Vouvray Chenin Blanc 2012

It’s good it’s gold it’s somewhat aged but still sharp on top of honey and apple sauce but enough of an undercurrent of mineral to say “hey I’m Vouvray” so I like this one for the general scrumptious nature and...solid predictability. Goodness. It is good-ness. — 6 years ago

Serge, Jason and 16 others liked this

Domaine de la Bergerie

Clos le Grand Beaupréau Savennières Chenin Blanc

Hmm. It’s good. So better than bad. Even borderline very good problem is I’ve been drinking Chenin galore and wouldn’t put it on my tops list on account of slightly too much lambs wool. It’s either just a tad bit past it’s prime or needs another year to let the savory and nutty notes meld with the just-drying apple and pear notes. Is this it’s awkward phase or did it peak before I got it? Humph. Please tell me if you’ve had this, what year and when. — 6 years ago

Severn, Mark and 16 others liked this

Domaine des Baumard

Savennières Chenin Blanc 2016

Savennières is stealth Chenin. It is ever so much that white gravel people rake patterns in. And just as dry. Until a lemon is squeezed over and a pear and tangerine fall from the trees and a brisk wind wafts through carrying hints of the flower bushes blooming nearby. Oh damn and that raw Marcona almonds. It’s a goddamn garden party in early autumn. Bask. This Savennières looks lightweight but it’s white gold. — 6 years ago

Paul, Mark and 27 others liked this
Michael Meyer

Michael Meyer Premium Badge

Overshadowed by its dessert wine cousin
Ellen Clifford

Ellen Clifford Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Michael Meyer that sounds accurate!

A.A. Badenhorst Family Wines

Secateurs Swartland Chenin Blanc

Part two of my S African samples of Chenin tasting. Damn. They all have this herb-mineral-underlying-current-of-serious that underlies a tropical nature. I don’t get the honey of the Loire which is good as the acid is lower but I do get...a complexity I’ve yet to wrap my brain around but am happy to keep trying. — 6 years ago

"Odedi", David and 21 others liked this

Forlorn Hope

Rorick Family Vineyard Chenin Blanc 2016

I kiss this wine I kiss it up! This is stomp around my kitchen cheering myself drinking this as if i made it myself. My god it’s good. It is fascinating and balanced. It’s a gymnast that you watch and think...looks easy but...how’d that happen? Very cool wine. Cannot wait to try more Forlorn Hope. — 6 years ago

Aaron, "Odedi" and 15 others liked this


Jurassic Park Vineyard Old Vines Chenin Blanc 2017

Applesauce and minerals play. Bumblebees and such swarm round and about which gives this wine buzz but as much as 2016...Cause that year...Acid spoke more in 2016 which I kick myself for not documenting here: 2016 was magic. but what the heck here 2017 is yup new world balanced and fun and maybe earthier gulper! All in all Birichino does good things — 6 years ago

Mark, Severn and 9 others liked this


Your hair is fabulous! 😃

I liked your bumblebee descriptor.🐝 Cheers!
Ellen Clifford

Ellen Clifford Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Trixie aw thanks Trixie!! 😊

Graham Beck

The Game Reserve Chenin Blanc 2015

It surprised me. It’s got a tropical herbaceous thing. Like the tropical cocktail with just enough herb garnish to cut through whatever juice is in it. And bone dry. Do I have a metaphor for this...let’s see it is a movie that’s starts as a chick flick and then has a deep message but then still has a happy slightly cliché ending, and you’re okay with it. It’s the 13 Going on 30 of Chenins. Hop on hop in like the bunny on the bottle. — 6 years ago

"Odedi", David and 16 others liked this

Domaine Laffourcade

Savennières Chenin Blanc

Okay now this is what I want quality for price also just all over. Well in a Chenin pyramid I’d put it way over the last Savennières I reviewed but think I’ve had better but DAMN I’d Choose it. With a capital C so that’s commitment from a writer. Not the most complex but just pleasant acid, fruit and pebbles without being Fruity Pebbles I think? Haven’t had that in a minute. But even if simple it is balanced. It’s like dating someone someone who isn’t deep but is...sane? Versus the one that tries your wits but fascinates. This wine is not yet my boyfriend but I don’t regret a single date with it. — 6 years ago

Severn, Mark and 16 others liked this

Roark Wine Company

Santa Ynez Valley Chenin Blanc

I like it oodles. I also am on the fence as to whether I wanna have a girl date coffee meetup monthly with it cause it feels like a girlfriend wine. Which isn’t to say it’s tasty and I would never regret our honeyed slightly nuances with very squashed pear backdrop. Haven’t gotten to know the rest of Roark’s wine but should do that — 6 years ago

Julia, Isaac and 11 others liked this
Paul T HB

Paul T HB

Did you get roofied again 🤔
Ellen Clifford

Ellen Clifford Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Noooooo but now you are making me question myself
Ellen Clifford

Ellen Clifford Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Sometimes my anthropomorphism of wine goes too far?😬