Light brite. Bright and not ever so light! It has that Grenache hit that makes this fun and not just another white wine masquerading as a rosé as it is the salmon color that says it is serious. the lime, tangerine, shell, wetted (in your luxe shower) pumice stone and custard bits take me home. Literally and figuratively I’d come home to this wine. I’d take it home and bed it on the regular — 6 years ago
Hopefully this is corrected as being saint-Estephe de Calon Ségur. Third wine of a third growth so if you are into threesomes this wine is your jam. Tasting notes—leads with cigar box/pencil lead/things that will only be better with age. For the price it’s perfect. And I like a nice heart. — 6 years ago
Peppy. This wine is almost too damn peppy but that’s only a downfall if you open it at one in the morn. It’s...okay I’ll be technical. Eye: rather pale pink hint o orange medium tears/legs. Sniff it and pink grapefruit, tangerine, wet rocks and seashells and a hint of mixed greens say hey. Sip: medium everything—acid alcohol (checked it is 13.5 almost high but not!) body intensity and the palate is equal to the nose except more minerally. With a hint more of herb and some flowers may be blossoming in there. Damn I am a fan of Bandol. It keeps you dancing. — 6 years ago
Tuesday night tastings going strong. I’m into this. It is so damn balanced and it changes and evolves n all that good stuff. Oh hell I’ll go WSET style:
Eye: clear medium salmon medium tears.
Nose: delicate intensity and smells like raspberries cranberries vanilla and some sort of green thing which is not a wset term but whatever it’s young
Tongue: dry, acid medium, alcohol medium plus? Checking...oh hell 14.5 so fuck yeah that’s big. Body is medium. Intensity of flavor medium and then you taste the things: peach Melba which is to say peach raspberry vanilla ice cream and then some stones n lavender. Finish medium plus I like it oodles. — 6 years ago
This stuff is the stuff. Alone it is more viscous than wine and less than a syrup and it has flowers and lime and hot fuck I’ve bought many bottles over the last year or so. Bright sweet tangy and luxurious but also ready to go dance it is the friend who is always magically in the same mood as you. — 6 years ago
Ellen Clifford

2018. Fun fun fun wine. It’s good for a party or just a rousing game of Exploding Kittens. Carbonic macerated Sangiovese from California, friends! It is sprightly, light-bodied, acidic and tastes of pop rocks, raspberries, regular rocks and grape bubblicious. — 6 years ago