Im Vergleich zum Königsfels nicht ganz so filigran, aber in seiner eigenen Art ein immer wieder leckerer Nahe Riesling — 4 years ago
@Delectable Wine this is not the Zero dosage.
Pop and pour yesterday. On the nose: lime, soft peach, soft leesy notes, crushed stone. On the palate: fantastic acidity, a hint of sweetness, loads of peach and crushed stone, some blood orange. Everything is lifted by the soft fizz. Better on day 2. I bet the zero dosage version will need more time, but this is fantastic right now. — 4 years ago
Tolle Kirsche, Leder, Tabak. Kann noch 5 Jahre gebrauchen. Zum Essen super, alleine etwas zu adstringierend — 5 years ago
Würzig, gute Säure, nicht zum saufen — 3 years ago
Nose has woody blackberry, crushed black cherry, fresh walnut, clove, black peppercorn, faint ethyl acetate, faint tobacco and dried strawberry
Palate has peppered blackberry mash, bitter chocolate, sweet licorice, violet, dehydrated blackcurrant with faint, sweet vanilla on the medium finish. Decanted 60m, tannins are resolved but could likely hold this vintage another 2-3Y, 2023+.
Satisfied with opening this today; zum zum zummy ❤️ — 4 years ago
Fabio Franchella
Nöd ganz perfekt zum dessertgebäck wo uf em tisch stoht….er het aber öppis! — 7 months ago