Dry and crisp. Lots of sherry notes — 4 years ago
Et’ Voila. $65.09. Smooth tannins. — 6 years ago
Greedy cherry notes. Volume, freshness. Pepper and spices, eucalyptus. Perfect on a pasta al tonno roquette salad, tomatoes, parmigiano. 😍
De la griotte en veux tu en voila! ...sertie de notes poivrées et herbacées. Du volume, de la fraîcheur. Parfait sur une pasta al tonno roquette tomates cerises parmesan. 😍 — 4 years ago
Rich and complex sparkling. — 5 years ago
Had a guest today at FF. Showed him the list of chards, to which he said "That one should be drinking well." And, voila. Here we are. This Sugar Shack Chardonnay arguably outdrank its 2014 Ritchie Chard by just about a point. A little less sweetness, a little less salinity, a little more balance than the Ritchie. Ripe peach, pear, plantain with a little bit of dried herb. It has been about 15 months since I've had this one. Lots of yellow fruits and that Classic Aubert backbone. You sorta forget about other Chards when a duo of 2014 Aubert are on the table, and this was no exception tonight. — 5 years ago
just throw all the leftover grapes in a bucket and voila! — 4 years ago
Straw and grass cuttings combine with wildflowers to vie with juniper. Dried coconut and ripe pineapple slices herald tropical lemon and lime and ginger snaps with a lychee surprise that includes dill lemongrass and sassafras. Lemon oil and dilute lime unfold to expose pine and imposing juniper, sweet basil and a textural mint sensation. Prickly neat, but add a cube and voila! instant roundness and integration of parts bordering on perfection. Medicinal in feeling only; lingering and potent. Light on the tonic, and if you must garnish, I suggest a small wedge of lime or cucumber, otherwise it is a botanical delight. Healing anyone?
#fordsgin #fordslondondrygin #gin #londondrygin #fordsspiritandspice #86co #juniper #bottledinlondon #thamesdistillers #charlesmaxwell #mendocinowater #italianjuniper #steeped — 4 years ago
As others have mentioned, this beauty takes her sweet ole time in opening up. I opened the bottle and let it sit for an hour and a half. I found the alcoholy taste only diminished after pouring the wine through an aerator. Voila - a beautiful expression of Bordeaux. — 6 years ago
Scott@Mister A’s-San Diego
2020 vintage. Perfect for that combination of lunch fare and warm days. Mix in a patio and a little intrigue and "voila!," Viognier time. — 3 years ago