
Enderle & Moll

Fiore Kerner 2022

Very old vines! Kerner from E&M. Cellar tasting in May 2024. This grape is a cross between Schiava & Riesling - And voilà 💥finally a riesling like wine from E&M. I asked for something like this for years!
Very aromatic, skin contact but crisp and clean with no funk, white peach, meyer-lemon, rose apple.
— 8 months ago

Spencer and Vin liked this

Domaine Sarnin-Berrux

Saint Romain Pinot Noir 2017

Burgundian classicism combined with the "natural wine" spirit is what this bottle evokes, and more generally Sarnin-Berrux wines. Here we have a Pinot Noir with volume, material, freshness, fine oaky notes very discreet but very well mixed with the primary notes. The texture in the mouth is superb. Superb bottle. I'll be curious to taste with 10 years of aging!

Le classicisme bourguignon associé à l’esprit « vin nature » voilà un peu ce qu’évoque cette bouteille, et plus généralement les vins Sarnin-Berrux. On a ici un Pinot Noir avec du volume, de la matière, de la fraîcheur, de fines notes boisées très discrètes mais très bien mêlées aux notes primaires. La texture en bouche est superbe. Superbe bouteille. Je serai curieux de goûter avec 10 ans de garde tiens !
— 3 years ago

Romain, Vin and 19 others liked this
Romain Fitoussi

Romain Fitoussi

@Daniel M j’en garde une en cave pour le jour où tu passes à Paris

Jean François Ganevat

Les Chalasses Vieilles Vignes Côtes du Jura Chardonnay

2011 en 2016.
On prend Grusse en Billat, on harmonise le tout, en calmant un peu le grillé au nez et le citron en finale, et voilà...
— 9 years ago

Marcelo Pelleriti

Vertigo Felipe Staiti Valle de Uco Malbec Syrah 2014

Sometimes Garagiste comes though with a crazy winner. Voilà. — 2 years ago

Romain and David liked this


Sugar Shack Chardonnay 2018

Ron R

I shit you not. Was organizing our overflow of wines, and stumbled across a case of Aubert!
I reached in a grabbed whatever came out, et voilà…
Honeycomb nose, combines with a light caramel and nutmeg notes on the mid palate. Viscous mouthfeel, moderate sweetness and very little acidity imply early drinking
— 3 years ago

James, Brandon and 49 others liked this
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Ericsson, my wife told me to reflect on your request… sorry 😞


😉 cheers… @Ron R
Norman Gennaro

Norman Gennaro Premium Badge

Man that’s a great find and in time

Ridge Vineyards

Three Valleys Sonoma County Zinfandel Blend 2016

This is what I call a CA laboratory wine. A little bit of this...a little bit of that...and voilà. Hey! CdP does it all the time so what the hell! As a lab wine it's terrific. But to drink it everyday? Good Lord. — 6 years ago

Frederic Aublanc

Tentation Les Hauts de Huire Gamay 2006

The paradox of a wine that appears as "dead for then reborn" is the sensation that this wine provides, which we can't imagine drinking so old (16 years old). The dress is ruby-tile, unfiltered. In the mouth, notes of red fruits (strawberry) are always imposed with vivacity, supported by multiple and aerial notes of evolution. Light bitters bring a very interesting paradoxical dimension for those who love evolved wines.

Le paradoxe d’un vin qui apparaît comme « mort pour puis re-né » voilà la sensation que procure ce vin, qu’on imagine pas boire si vieux (16 ans). La robe est rubis-tuile, non filtrée. En bouche des notes de fruits rouges (fraise) s’imposent toujours avec vivacité, soutenues par des notes d’évolution multiples et aériennes. De légers amers apportent une dimension paradoxale fort intéressantes pour qui aiment les vins évolués.
— 2 years ago

Peter, Tom and 13 others liked this

Von Schubert

Maximin Grünhauser Abtsberg Eiswein Riesling 1998

M’s bday dinner (12/12). Tasted blind. But wait there’s more! A stealth late evening bottle is pulled. A guest is departing for Germany later this week and wanted another data point for his education before leaving. Medium gold color. Wild, young and exotic nose. Notes of mandarin orange, stones, kiwi, citrus, petrol and apricot. Rich with amazing acidity. Impactful. Long finish. Woke us up. Voilà! — 6 years ago

Keith, Alex and 10 others liked this

Chateau Trolliet-Lafite

Bergerac Red Blend 2010

Voilà ce que devrait être un bon Bordeaux! Délicieux et complexe pour son rang. — 9 years ago