Crisp, dry green apple to start, then you get some flowers as it warms #hopvdetroit #houseofpurevin — 3 years ago
Toile de Fond 2020 by Fond Cyprès - an exclusive bottling for Culinaries, a bottle shop in Lyon. A mish mash of mostly Carignan (80%, whereby a large portion comes from 60-year old vines that typically goes into their Carignan de la Source cuvee), Syrah, and Grenache. No notes jotted down nor photos taken (grabbed this off the web), which tends to happen with last ditch pulls on a mid-week night. I do remember this to be pretty easy-going, a little funky, with cherries and strawberries, and a nice zing. Tasty nightcap. — 3 years ago
Full of red fruits yet meaty and rustic. Full body. Dense and powerful on the palate with vivid acidity. Rustic mild tannins.
Though labeled as Vin de France, the juicy is from 60-year old vine of the domaine in Corbières, Languedoc. Natural wine.
Terrific stuff. — 3 years ago
Alexander Vineyards has a great selection of wines, all at great values. This is their only dessert wine, and it has been delicious every time I’ve had it.
Last bottle of mine. This is from the Barsac region. Richly colored gold in the glass. Viscous, but not overly so. If comparing to a Climens, I’d say this doesn’t have as much of the orange-honey roasted cashew type note, but lots of orange marmalade, honeyed tropical fruits and honeysuckle. This showed a more powerful core than a 2009 LaTour Blanche I had a few weeks ago (which I enjoyed how bright it was). Paired with truffle salted popcorn at the end of the night, and it was great. — 2 years ago
Beautiful syrah that I will really have trouble identifying blindly. Ruby colour almost still purple even after 15 years, suggesting still beautiful years of ageing potential. On the nose, the bouquet is rich and intense, marked by the Bordeaux style, on a beautifully melted ageing with primary notes. The whole is rich and complex, between notes of black fruits (blackberry, blueberry, plum) tobacco ageing, chocolate, vanilla, cypress; evolved undergrowth notes and so on, it's a real taste journey!
Magnifique syrah que j’aurai vraiment du mal à identifier à l’aveugle. Robe rubis presqu’encore violine même après 15 ans, suggérant encore de belles années de potentiel de garde. Au nez le bouquet est riche et intense, marqué par le style bordelais, sur un élevage admirablement fondu aux notes primaire. L’ensemble est riche et complexe, entres notes de fruits noirs (mûre, myrtille, prune) élevage tabac, chocolat, vanille, cyprès; notes évoluées sous-bois et j’en passe, c’est un vrai voyage gustatif! — 3 years ago
Scott Kahn
Deep amber color in a 375ml format. Non-descript on the nose with a hint of neutral oak. Clean and clear in the class with rich honey and a finish of candied orange peels. Some soft floral notes that I cannot fully discern. An amazingly good pairing with Asian inspired honey beef stir fry — 2 months ago