Tenute Cisa Asinari Dei Marchesi Di Grésy

Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy

Gaiun Martinenga Barbaresco Nebbiolo 2016

2016 vintage. Last tasted 2.10.23 (9.6). Tasted after being open for 10 hours. Good god...Medium body and concentration into the next life. Under the rocks and stones...5.3.24. — 4 months ago

Ruud, Ira and 16 others liked this

Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy

Grappa di Nebbiolo

Varietally correct and very clean. Value and quality rarely go this well together but they execute both very well here — 8 years ago

Anthony and Daniel P. liked this

Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy

Monte Aribaldo Dolcetto d'Alba 2019

Good drinkability, soft tannins, medium bodied — 5 months ago

Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy

Virtus Langhe Barbera Cabernet Sauvignon 2006

Crazy how fresh this tastes for a nearly 15 year old wine. 60/40 barbera/cab. Tart dark fruit, gamey, spicey mid weight wine. Feels like this still has a way to go. I have drank a ton of Italian wine and I’m still consistently surprised by it. — 4 years ago

Dylan liked this

Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy

Monferrato Red Blend 2008

Fujioka $21. Great with steak or prime rib. Not a heavy red. Can drink on its own. — 8 years ago

Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy

Villa Martis Langhe Red Blend 2015

Poised and elegant. Raspberry and liquorice notes. Deft use of oak — 4 years ago

Anthony, Keith and 3 others liked this

Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy

Barbera d'Asti 2018

Bright with tart cherries, high acidity and light body, very low tannin and dark chocolate with blueberries. Great with pizza and butternut squash and even curry. Fantastic every day wine — 5 years ago

Brian Hixon
with Brian