V. Good DIPA packed with heavy booze. — 8 years ago
Antique gold with a tinge of pink gold shows an almost gelatinous opacity while flaunting a snowy cap. Pineapple leached of its rich sweetness meets the mouth evenly, and turns quickly to grapefruit pith, nectarine, sour orange, sour plum, salted lemon pulp and ruby grapefruit. All around a refreshingly tart take on the lambic style. Highly recommended for the hottest summer you got. — 6 years ago
A hazy honey of an ale in antique gold with a quick cloud of beige froth, then just big bubbles popping to the tune of pond life. Veggie nose of sweet carrot, yellow squash, and white mushroom, pushing away grapefruit and lime. Sour orange, lemon marmalade and orange bread with kumquats, green mangoand quince softly padding after. Mined salts, clementine sections, beet greens and white pepper linger. This is a refreshing, versatile IPA that would love to play with your food. Mind your manners! — 6 years ago
Fruit face - Fantastically refreshing- everyone loved it. — 8 years ago
Offering a color between iced tea and cream soda and a cottony head with active wellsprings, and adhesion like shaving soap that slowly unravels to spun sugar pile linings. A nose of raspberries, dried and plump, balsamic peppers, a yeasty barnya. rd echo, blood orange entwined with cherries atop a cedar plank. There is a grilled brackish eel skin, pepper and bright citrus keeping it all diurnal. Grape leaves around peeled, ripe, white grapefruit, bing cherry, blood orange, tangerine, lime seeds, bay leaf, lemon verbena and broken orange pekoe. — 6 years ago
Une IPA danoise sans gluten surprenante. Une belle couleur ambrée, une bonne touche florale et fruité notamment d'agrumes. Bref une belle amertume et une douce profondeur de goût — 8 years ago
David Kline
French bubbling onion broth, with fungal asymmetry the partnering haberdasher’s cheese motif, and pictographs and hieroglyphic bubble letters the font-lacing. Caramel-orange and yeast with hibiscus and dried lotus slices. There is a peppermint coolness to the backnote and a clean, bok choy sweetness. Tastes of caramel and verdelho-Madeira, and lemon, orange and grapefruit interplay mutating into a cilantro and Vidalia, that ultimately return to the yeast, with marigold petals swimming in a malt and hop extravaganza. #mikkeller #nelsonsauvin #dryhopped #deproefbrouwerij #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza — 5 years ago