unexpectedly bright- in the best way possible. as it opens tar and macerated black berries come thru. I haven't had in a few years and I still enjoy this. Great red for fatty fish. Upped my rating on day 2. delicious
unexpectedly bright- in the best way possible. as it opens tar and macerated black berries come thru. I haven't had in a few years and I still enjoy this. Great red for fatty fish. Upped my rating on day 2. delicious
Apr 8th, 2017
Beautiful coloring: deep red orange. Tannic. Mineral finish
Beautiful coloring: deep red orange. Tannic. Mineral finish
Jan 11th, 2019
A little young and a bad year for the area, but good tannin balanced with cherry, for a light Nebbiolo. Will buy more to age.
A little young and a bad year for the area, but good tannin balanced with cherry, for a light Nebbiolo. Will buy more to age.
Apr 28th, 2018
Very good. Paired with Icelandic Salmon, asparagus, thin slices sweet potato seasoned with Smokey Burbs BBQ seasoning and mixed green salad with feta, strawberries and Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette
Very good. Paired with Icelandic Salmon, asparagus, thin slices sweet potato seasoned with Smokey Burbs BBQ seasoning and mixed green salad with feta, strawberries and Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette
Mar 1st, 2018
So much has been written about this wine by the people who love it. There isn’t much I can add. “Cedar,” “cherry cola,” and “bouncy acidity” are right on the mark. My wife doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t like Italian reds in general, so there it is.
So much has been written about this wine by the people who love it. There isn’t much I can add. “Cedar,” “cherry cola,” and “bouncy acidity” are right on the mark. My wife doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t like Italian reds in general, so there it is.
Feb 22nd, 2018
It ain't nap time it's "Nebb" time :-) Red fruit n spice with everything nice!
It ain't nap time it's "Nebb" time :-) Red fruit n spice with everything nice!
Feb 21st, 2018
Oak and Vine purchase - Valentines Day
Oak and Vine purchase - Valentines Day
Feb 15th, 2018
Peppery nose. Good expression of a barbaresco Light bodied. Paired with the basic tomato sauced foods Also highly drinkable on its own.
Peppery nose. Good expression of a barbaresco Light bodied. Paired with the basic tomato sauced foods Also highly drinkable on its own.
Dec 17th, 2017
How yummy! Thank you Angela!
How yummy! Thank you Angela!
Dec 3rd, 2017