Delicious #portuguese #whitewine pairs well w seafood. #floral #crisp #fragrant but not sweet. Reminds me of a #viogner — 9 years ago
The first time I tasted this wine 6 weeks ago was at a large tasting and it had been double decanted. The second time tasting the wine was straight from bottle over three hours. The two were completely different. Straight from bottle was more of a classic #australian #shiraz , big, bold, chewy, and lacked balance. Whereas the double decanted bottle was more in the realm of #coterotie
#darenberg #laughingmagpie #mclarenvale #australia #syrah #viogner #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago
I discovered #viogner 7 years ago on a great #washingtonstate camping trip with @momma_leslie. I've been chasing this golden dragon ever since. The bar was set by #kestrel and their #pureplatinum Most have fallen short. Not a common wine here, I usually jump at a chance to sample a Viognier. This one is a bit acidic and dry. Pear and apple notes. Drinkable for sure, but well, just not what I was looking for tonight. — 9 years ago
Crisp dry #viogner blend super quaffer, super QPR from respected #Boekenhoutskloof Winery. #organic — 11 years ago
Vasanth Balakrishnan
Pretty good #chardonnay #viogner blend, less dry but not too sweet. Peach and very light perfume with some buttery body from the chard. — 8 years ago