
Agnès et René Mosse

Arena Savennières Chenin Blanc 2015

Vintage 2015 - high acidity, made from young vines (15 years that is) very gastronomical wine with plenty room for development. #cheninigans #cheninblanc #savennières — 8 years ago

Erik, Willem and 1 other liked this

Domaine du Closel-Château des Vaults

Clos du Papillon Cuveé Spéciale Savennières Chenin Blanc 1989

Vintage 1989 - unbelievable light colour, honey and butter in smell, almonds in taste #cheninstudy #cheninagins #savennières #hapinness — 8 years ago

Marc, Chris and 8 others liked this

Nicolas Joly

Clos de la Coulée de Serrant Savennières Chenin Blanc 2007

Vintage 2007 - Textbook #Savennières with excellent balance, dry, full of character but be aware, this is not a friendly wine that is charming to everyone. Acquired taste, beautiful #cheninblanc — 8 years ago

Drew, David and 4 others liked this