A #Niagara favorite. All the savory, inky, peppery cab franc things. — 9 years ago
This #inniskillin #icewine has matured with many oxidized notes on the nose. Med + acidity on the palate with a four square flavor. It is delicious though but super sweet. #niagara #vidal #ctbucklinwine #newyork — 9 years ago
Ripe ripe ripe red fruits, sour cherries and crunchy, forest floor, kinda ginger beer thing. Exaggerated, flabby, I mean still acid but not to stand against this massive fruit. Good tannins. Complex and almost candy like aftertaste. No sulphur? Apparently a source of national pride this wine. #niagara #canada — 9 years ago
Best Pet Nat I've put in my mouth. Respects the grape and respects the process. Floral, apples and citrus. Throw a little earthy minerality and some yeasty funk, you got yourself one heck of a austere wine. Petillant Natural from NYS, it can be done. It is done. This funeral director thinks the label rocks. #niagara #nyswine #nydrinksny #riesling #sparkling #pétillantnaturel #petnat — 9 years ago
Hidden gem in #niagara. #nywine #pinotnoir #winedivas — 10 years ago
Alishia Odom
Alishia had this 8 years ago