Friday nights are wine nights with my girl @kimansilla where we open a fun bottle of wine and sit and talk about it for hours watching it develop. Our consensus is that this wine lacks the proper balance of acid, tannin, and body to make it a stellar wine. Unfortunately the rain that 2006 saw before and during harvest has taken its toll on this wine. No potential for aging here, so if you have this wine, drink up! #wine #Bordeaux #CalvertWoodley #BranaireDucru — 10 years ago
Plummy and warm with peppercorn and blackberry, rye toast, cedar, walnut and oak, hazelnut, sweet tobacco, milk chocolate, and very ripe blueberries. Definitely fruit forward for such young Bordeaux, even after long decant. Disjointed youth, with gravel and tight green spears distracting. Spruce and maple nut, with a green pine nut tighten the leather bands. Good structure though, and really pleasant lurking power.
#branaireducru #sainthulien #grandcruclasséen1855 #1855 #grandcru #grandcrubordeaux #enprimeur #enchantillon — 3 years ago
Chocolate brownie and mud puddle, baked mincemeat pie with light spicing, vanilla seed, coffee bean, thyme. Silky mouthfeel showing cherrywood and crispy bay leaf, earl grey tea, fallen oak, coffee soaked puffball mushroom, smoky pencil, peppercorn and lavender. A pleasure from end to end, and focused.
#branaireducru #bordeaux #grandcruclassé #grandcruclasséen1855 #stjulien #quatrèmescru — 3 years ago
Great bang for your buck, second wine from #branaireducru #stjulien #bordeaux #joeldamienrobitaille — 9 years ago
David Kline
Sweet tobacco notes interspersed with woodsy mushrooms, warm rye bread with toasted sesame and grill notes. Cherry and baked currant tart. Silky soft cherry open reveals exquisitely suspended smoke framing black cherry and cedar dusted black currant and dried blackberry with sage and nutmeg.
#branaireducru #chateaubranaireducru #saintjulien #2010 #2010bordeaux #4thgrowth #crubordeaux #1855classification #bordeaux #appellationsaintjuliencontrolée #cruclasse #grandcruclassé #grandcruclasséde1855 — 3 years ago