Trappist Westvleteren

St. Bernardus Brouwerij

St. Bernardus Abt 12 Tripel Abbey Ale

Marc S

Very fine flavoured “Trappist”. Love it! — 7 months ago

Jeroen liked this


Trappist Westvleteren 8 Malt

Thanks Peter! — 2 years ago

Freek, Ira and 7 others liked this
Peter Zandbergen

Peter Zandbergen

You're welcome! Still thinking of the fantastic tasting that day! Thanks!!
David Koenen

David Koenen

Lekker spul, die 8!

Brouwerij Westvleteren (Sint-Sixtusabdij van Westvleteren)

Trappist Westvleteren 12 (XII) Quadrupel (Quad) Ale

A great way to start off the weekend on a cold, snowy day in fucking April. 🥶 — 5 years ago

Dave, Robert and 5 others liked this

Trappist Westvleteren

Westvleteren Extra Strong Beer 12

Honey, ripe banana, Toffee, fine bubbles.
Best beer in the world!
— 2 years ago

Milissa liked this

Bieres de Chimay S.A.

Grande Réserve Pères Trappistes Belgian Ale 2019

Big head... smells of Molasses and chocolate cake. A classic Trappist. Dark. Thick. A slow sipper. Tried to match with Indian food... I’d say it worked-ish. (the vintage is on the cork). — 4 years ago

Bob, David and 6 others liked this


Cheers! Sounds excellent!🍻

Trappistenbrouwerij De Kievit

Zundert 10 Trappist

Zundert ‘10’ — 5 years ago

Chris, Peter and 4 others liked this
Marc S

Marc S

Mee un schutje grenadine?

Trappist Westvleteren

Bier Blond

My first take on this Blond from Westvleteren. And I love it.
Dry, intense, yeasty and bitter.
— 2 years ago

Eric, Peter and 3 others liked this


Gregorius Trappistenbier

Very nice, this Austrian Trappist. 10.5% Alc. — 4 years ago

Diederick, Eric and 11 others liked this

St. Bernardus

Pater 6 2016

Darkest brown patched with bubbles as lichens. Magnificent and noble head of sable; loose cartography of lacing. Brown sugar, dark, grainy malt and leather that all turns smoky with a swirl. Dry tobacco whiffs and roasted beets and grilled sprouts and caramelized onion. Light of touch in autumn woods, with applewood, cedar and late afternoon shadows of vanilla bean, caramel thread counts, clove smoke, and light malts to nicely bundle and button the parcel. These perfumes of devotion are lifted on wildflower scrub. #trappist #trappisten #stbernarduspster6 #abbeyale #peter6 #belgianbeer #bier #biere #birra #ale #brstbdrnard — 5 years ago

David, Severn and 4 others liked this