If my house had a “by the glass” program, this would be on it. All melon and flint. Understated in the right way with an acid tattoo. — 4 years ago
Not too sweet. Has a decent weight and fullness. But some how not too dry. Yum — 5 years ago
普通に美味しい/呑みやすい — 2 years ago
Active, perfect yellow amber pushing orange hard. Big bubbled beige-yellow head that dropped expectedly quick, with so much action. Petri-dish lacing with cytoplasm graffiti. Huge pineapple nose of fresh-cut ripe fruit! Grapefruit tattoo, but little else. General lemon creaminess; a memo from mandarin. Pineapple rum entry with caramel and vanilla, baked apple, brandy-pear, classy touch of black pepper, allspice, ginseng, soft ginger slices, dried orange peel, anise, and lime. Heady and thick, cut, wiry, and sinewy, but overall, a calculated, choreographed, disciplined display of restrained power, lithe and evocative, with a smooth finish.
#stonebrewery #FearMovieLions #fml #FearMovieLionsDoubleipa #dipa #doubleipa #ipa #dankbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #stonefml #vabeer #richmondva — 4 years ago
Roo steaks and steamed veg — 6 years ago
Had on 7/17 at home with zucchini pizza and pasta. A very nice taste with a hint of fruit — 3 years ago
Very fruity and sweet. Red berries are stronger than chocolate notes, but a perfect red for a warm evening. — 5 years ago
Lovely, juicy and sweet. Very similar to the Jammy Red Roo by Yellow Tail. — 5 years ago
One of my favorites — 4 months ago