Tasted too young and not airy enough. Nevertheless: exuberant nose, big matter in the mouth, omnipresent tannins, alcohol present, sweetness, acidity, aromatic bouquets, everything is marked! The breeding is already relatively melted. A wine carved for the guard. To forget a few years in the cellar. Very nice product!
Bu trop jeune et pas assez aéré. Néanmoins: nez exubérant, grosse matière en bouche, tanins omniprésents, alcool présent, sucrosité, acidité, bouquets aromatiques, le tout est marqué! L’élevage est déjà relativement fondu. Un vin taillé pour la garde. À oublier quelques années en cave. Très beau produit! — 2 years ago
The nose is made of lemon, crushed rocks, chalk and there is little touch of juicy pear that pops up after a while and when the wine is warming up slightly. We could add a tiny touch of vanilla from the barrel but it's very discreet. Lovely. This is everything I'm expecting from a 1er cru chablis. The palate is made of a massive acid backbone, almost overwhelming! There is matter to balance it but it's trodding on a very thin edge. Notes of chalk and lemon, and lemon peel are showing all around the way making for a super dynamic, vivid mouthfeel. The finish lasts for ever with this lemony and chalky notes but that vanilla touch that appeared in the rear on the nose makes a discreet comeback in the end and on the sides and that almost reminds me of white burgundies from way down south around meursault and puligny. Awesome, intellectual wine that delivers! — 3 years ago
Two hour decant for this 2016. Big ripe fruit up front-blueberry, blackberry, black raspberry, plum. Baking spices. Tannins smooth but strong. Structured well. Nice long finish. — 4 years ago
You're not 40 every day and I wanted a special wine to celebrate that special day. Fortunately the wine bar / open kitchen restaurant we went to had that special wine, amongst 400 references, that I had been desperate to taste for a long while. I didn't take notes so it's all from memory, but the nose is what I liked the most. Coconut notes, leather, cherries, coffee... I spent probably 15 minutes in total smelling that wine. The palate was great with some acid drive, some matter but not in an overwhelming way, some gentle, well integrated tannins in the rear, before a long finish with savoury notes, red fruits, coconut and that gentle grainy tannic layer. A great experience to top up a day to remember.
Oh and if you happen to be in Warsaw, Poland and be looking for a great wine place, make sure to check out Kontakt - wino & bistro. — 3 months ago
Excellent every day Riesling. It combines fruit, acid and minerality in an ideal matter. Very good value for the money. — 4 years ago
Revisiting this disruptive wine as I often do. This time 24 years after it’s initial release, and much has changed since since it’s inception. The wine is still exciting, maybe for the wrong reasons, maybe for the right reasons but exciting nonetheless. It’s still a big and bold beast of a wine, no matter the vintage. — 6 months ago
1995 vintage. Great fill, foil and label. Perfect cork. From a top-notch cellar. Decanted and tasted over the course of two hours. Volcanic ash-styled sed vs chunky-style. Big funk on the nose that resolved after 7-8 minutes. Wine was showing decently (in the 69-72 degree range) but lacking any tannic structure. Placed the decanter atop an ice bucket bath to drop the temp down to 60 degrees or so. Took about 20 minutes but the tannins kicked in the door to say hello. Fruit components stayed constant. Pauillac tendencies were all there. As is the case often with older BDX, the decaying matter/leaves at the onset transitioned to graphite/lead pencil and espresso flavors. This was a superior bottle in great shape. Top of this wine’s specific bell curve. Comparable bottles would look to be drinking this well for the next 5-7 years without dropoff. Out of larger format…could possibly push this into 9.4 status. 2.5.24. — a year ago
Wet stone over honeysuckle flowers and crisp apples make for a nose that really bloomed on the second day. As a matter of fact, with this type of Old-world French appellation, taking 24 hours to fully open is not unusual. This value-conscious Chablis boasted depth and clarity of flavor you’d expect in wines with twice the price tag. We paired it with grilled eggplant and roasted chicken casserole. It was delicious! — 4 years ago
Daniel M
First wine of 2025. Served along pork Filet Mignon. No notes as we are enjoying our first 2025 meal with my family. A bit of age on it. A new, fun label that represents the owners' family quite well (a group of artists). Violet, blackberry and pepper. Great width, great matter, long finish, nice caressing tannins. Happy new year ! — 3 months ago