Nice Chardonnay. Would buy again. — 8 months ago
Purple color, rich texture, leather and dark cherry flavor, oaky, and delicious. Would drink on its own and pair with any red meat and dark chocolate. — a year ago
What a pleasant Santa Barbara surprise. Bright raspberry and cherry saver color, quite full and pronounced on mid palate. Reminds me a tad of German Pinot-that wonderful, unfruity/creosote thing in the background. Stems and whole clusters seem to be included, in its favor. On sale locally for about 24$ — 4 years ago
I loved this more in SB. Did I have rose-colored glasses, or was it because I left this out in a 90 degree car for a day. We’ll never know!
This did take a turn for the better after 30 mins. Rich, medium bodied, yum yum. — 2 months ago
Beautiful Chardonnay! — 3 years ago
This was part of a series that Greg Brewer bottled at Melville back in the early 2000s. At that time Melville had 14 different clones under vine, I believe. The Estate was a variable blend of some fraction of these, but being a student of pinot Greg thought it would be cool to bottle a bunch of the clones as single-clone offering to people who might geek out about trying to identify different clonal components in the various main offerings, trying some blending at home, etc. (basically, me as the target audience). I was stunned at how well this wine is still drinking after 14+ years. Beautiful, deep ruby-red color, the wine still had an impressive amount of fruit, great balance, and that tell-tale spiciness that is characteristic of wines from their Santa Rita Hills vineyards. Really terrific! — 4 years ago
Mark Mannebach
Bright red fruit tones along with nose. Nicely balanced. Some spice at end. — 6 days ago