Baroque. Peach pineapple lychee apricot marmalade mange peel banana peel banana cream. saffron honey minerality. Off dry. 50? g/L RS. Phenolic finish. Low acidity. — 8 months ago
Less sweet — 2 years ago
Nice complexity of aromas. — a year ago
Yeah, what a wine. Full ripe tropical fruits, creamy vanilla with a light hint of caramel sweetness. Orange zest bitters. Quite sweet but just enough citrus sour to prevent it from becoming too thick. Mached excellent with the spicy lintal coconut dal for diner. But standalone it is even better. — 4 years ago
Metallurgical, dry, aromatic on chill. Different every sip. — 7 months ago
Another Grand Cru from my favorite Alsacian producer.
Poura yellow, I get canary melon, botrytis honey comb, passion fruit, lychee.
Just slightly off dry, the acids have a mustard like quality. (the area is surrounded by mustard fields and I swear that I can smell and/or taste mustard greens/flowers in many wines of Berckem). Follows up with roasted apple flavors, and an incredible clean but long finish.
I wish I could open a bottle of this every night. — a year ago
A very noble rot with lemon custard cake. 🍰 — 24 days ago