The Tardive really is an uptick in depth though this is such kick ass Beaujolais I’ve always felt it deserves its own category (Kick A- Beaujo). Black cherries, but seriously black, oodles of fruit but it’s the minerality & acid that sets it apart, along w the depth. Medium bodied, taut( not tight somehow). Ribena with cracked black pepper nose. Blind tasting w friends but guessed to be every region but Beaujo. If I remember the history right, this is more of a Moulin Vent property, so makes some sense it has such gravitas- which is what it is, a joyous wine with gravitas. Dressner importer. Oh, and it’s ok to try now, it’s not infanticide. 25$ on sale- that’s just stupid. — 5 years ago
Gamay all Day. — 3 years ago
Thanksgiving accompaniment & interesting taste after trying the Tardive several weeks ago. Really was two different wines, & have to say I think this needed larger stemware to really showcase. That said, this is coiled & taut, a big Beaujolais with creosote & eucalyptus notes that I did not find in the Tardive. Black fruits & a near black red color. Plenty of stuffing for several years I imagine. The more I drink Roilette the more I feel it’s almost not fair to compare it to other Beaujolais. It tastes like it’s own style and a separate, distinct class of wine. A second bottle awaits, along w bigger stemware & perhaps a decant. — 5 years ago
My favorite Roilette bottling. Old vine; 90+. This is proof that Cru Beaujolais can age. Darker and heavier than your typical Gamay. Darker fruit, mix of red and black fruit. More structure and a little oak, medium tannins. Becoming harder and harder to source. Have a vertical from 2013 to 2020. — 2 months ago
2023 is delicious. A little jammy, a little nutty, kind of like a peanut butter jelly sandwich that is weirdly delicious. Big yes for a pre-dinner snack — 4 months ago
N: Caught between Burg and CDP.
Pepper, garrigue, souis bois, black and red, animalistic in the best way. it smells tarry, spice, dark fruits. ( so far, it’s giving the last Clos de Roilette a run for it’s money)
P: light textured and deep, ( ha) tarry, plums, liquorice, chalky blackness.
Amazing Fleurie!
thanks @firstbottlewines
— 3 years ago
Jay Miner
Rough around the edges for Fleurie, but full of charm. Jammy, slate-y, and whoever said licorice was right on the nose. Beautiful on night two, as well. — 2 months ago