Nice malvasia 90%, trebbiano 10% fermented on skins from a fairly new producer out of Lazio, IT. Has the beeswax, a touch of sunchoke, plus some Clementine! — 6 years ago
Smells like ripe, late summer cherries smashed into petals of fresh red roses, and it tastes like half-dried cherries, with a lot of meat left in them, drizzled with balsamic, and a tiny bite of green bell pepper. It's velvety with plush tannins and a long sumptuous finish that leaves you aching a little, and all sorts of fuzzy inside. — 8 years ago
Another local volcanic wine. Absolutely delish, very dry ending — 3 years ago
Beautiful wine from Ribelá in Lazio. Pentima (malvasia & trebbiano) has 6 days of maceration in open vats, no temperature control, neither any sulfur added and only natural yeast. Shows lots of fruit; melon, peach, abricot. Pleasant tannins, juicy. On the 2nd day it shows more cooked fruit, pear, apple, licorice, and dried fruit, 634 bottles produced. — 9 years ago
A bright balanced orange with stone fruit undertones and nice grip — 5 years ago
candied lemons 😍 ‘17 — 6 years ago
Looks like gauze made from the brightest tropical coral. Smells like bing cherry morning dew dripping off cold gardenias. Tastes like you're devouring a watermelon filled with pomegranate juice trimmed with limestone, lemon rinds, and almond shavings. Refreshingly modern with a depth of terroir and tradition. Mio cuore canta (one of three Italian phrases I have DOWN). — 8 years ago
Ceccherini Cristiano
No formal notes
A wine that took no time to finish
A blend of local grapes
A little maceration, nothing added to the grapes
A good venture to give our territory some realisation of its potential
Fairly long and fun — 3 years ago