Shouting "barbecue" from the rooftops! @Dan Blackwell thanks for this and for the brilliant smoked pork shoulder! — 8 years ago
Clear, stony, metallic anjou pears. A good wine friend died last night in Paris. He was a dependable member of our San Diego tasting group visiting his first grandchild and we are struggling with our collective loss. @Alec White loved Bordeaux, good cheese and #sauternes. Hug your kids and your parents this week. @Dan Blackwell @Vickie Beuerle @Max Kogod @Matthew Beckman @Bill Bender @Steve Anderson @Jason Berry @Michael Meyer — 8 years ago
I’ve owed Delectable some posts for a while now....and we need community now more than ever and Delectable has always been a positive, supportive I’m jumping back in. I’m about 300 wines behind but I’m going to work backward starting with the wines I’ve enjoyed the last few weeks during this period of relative isolation. I’m calling this series “Loving Wine in the Time of Corona” as a nod to my boy Gabriel Garcia Marquez who was also a big time wine guy......this bottle is from our first Zoom tasting with the local wine group @romo @Steve Anderson @Michael Meyer @Matthew Beckman @Vickie Beuerle @Dan Blackwell on 3/14. Pinot theme. The Meo was youthful and pure, so much depth, concentration and lively red fruit. Good times with great people. — 5 years ago
Thank you@Dan Blackwell!
#RememberingAlecWhite — 8 years ago
Fresh clean pure. Perfect accompaniment to cakes, pastries and fruit selection from SD's own Extraordinary Desserts. Big thanks to @Dan Blackwell . — 8 years ago
At Blackwell Hitch. Delightful! — 7 years ago
Austin Blackwell, please drink and comment — 7 years ago
Excellent with roastmaster @Dan Blackwell 's short ribs. Drinking well. — 8 years ago
Mrs A is re-evaluating her general disdain for French wine after trying this one. Thank you @Dan Blackwell , Prince of Pegau. — 8 years ago
David White
Like the 2018 this is definitely less oaky than previous years
Deep almost opaque ruby colour
Good balance of fruit and acidity with integrated tannins and lasting finish
Abv 14.5 but doesn’t overwhelm taste. — 24 days ago