
Varietals Cabernet Sauvignon

8.636 ratings
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Languedoc Roussillon, France
Cabernet Sauvignon
Top Notes For
Ronen Shaul

Very good with a good stake

Very good with a good stake

Mar 31st, 2019

not paying so not complaining

not paying so not complaining

Nov 19th, 2017
Хандуха Хандуха

Needs time to gain body

Needs time to gain body

Feb 8th, 2017
Steven Perry

Easy drinking wine. Low on tannins. Relatively dry. Color me impressed for the price.

Rated higher because it's only $8/bottle. Great table wine for sitting around the house.

Easy drinking wine. Low on tannins. Relatively dry. Color me impressed for the price.

Rated higher because it's only $8/bottle. Great table wine for sitting around the house.

Oct 17th, 2016
Michael P

A bit boring, this one needs some time in the cellar.

A bit boring, this one needs some time in the cellar.

Mar 10th, 2016
Ana Paula

Um ótimo francês! Bouquet de frutas maduras, ameixa seca, amadeirado! Sua coloração vermelho acobreado, lembra o sangue coagulando, cor caracteristica de cabernet envelhecidos e que evoluiram na garrafa! Se deixar respirar um pouquinho fica mto bom! Sabor frutado de ameixa seca, bastante madeira, taninos equilibrados, mas percebe-se a natureza intrinseca do Cabernet Francês, elegante e aveludado ao final! Levissimo amargor no final que mistura a madeira. Achei um vinho muito bom! Excelente se harmonizado com queijos!!! Great french wine! Smell good! Taste good! Plum dry, wood, redwine, blood coloured! Great to drink with cheese! #wine #redwine #cabernet #cabernetsauvignon #frenchwine #french #languedoc #2009

Um ótimo francês! Bouquet de frutas maduras, ameixa seca, amadeirado! Sua coloração vermelho acobreado, lembra o sangue coagulando, cor caracteristica de cabernet envelhecidos e que evoluiram na garrafa! Se deixar respirar um pouquinho fica mto bom! Sabor frutado de ameixa seca, bastante madeira, taninos equilibrados, mas percebe-se a natureza intrinseca do Cabernet Francês, elegante e aveludado ao final! Levissimo amargor no final que mistura a madeira. Achei um vinho muito bom! Excelente se harmonizado com queijos!!! Great french wine! Smell good! Taste good! Plum dry, wood, redwine, blood coloured! Great to drink with cheese! #wine #redwine #cabernet #cabernetsauvignon #frenchwine #french #languedoc #2009

Jan 6th, 2015

Fredu had this a year ago

Fredu had this a year ago

Mar 20th, 2024
adrian avendano

adrian had this 2 years ago

adrian had this 2 years ago

Dec 4th, 2022
Itaraju Brum

Itaraju had this 4 years ago

Itaraju had this 4 years ago

Jun 25th, 2021
Fernando Figueroa Sánchez

Fernando Figueroa had this 4 years ago

Fernando Figueroa had this 4 years ago

Jan 8th, 2021