
Wonderment Wines

Hyde Vineyard Semillon 2015

Robert had this 7 years ago

Craig Sedmak
with Craig
Craig, Dawn and 12 others liked this
Craig Sedmak

Craig Sedmak Influencer Badge

So little of CA semillon around. This wine is a joy! #wondermentwines

Wonderment Wines

Bacigalupi Vineyard Old Vine Zinfandel 2016

#bacigalupivineyard #zinfadel #2016 just recently bottled. #youthful and so much potential. Just bottled one month and 5 days ago..... #wondermentwines #zap — 7 years ago

David, Hugh and 3 others liked this

Wonderment Wines

Hyde Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2016

Promo code : Sauvblanc. www.wondermentwines.com. #sauvblanc #sauvblancday #2018 #wondermentwines — 7 years ago

Shay, Ron and 4 others liked this
Craig Sedmak

Craig Sedmak Influencer Badge

@Shay A Steph gave you a shipping code to use for the PS?
Shay A

Shay A Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Craig Sedmak : No, but I got one of her cards and she said to email her, so I did earlier today.
Craig Sedmak

Craig Sedmak Influencer Badge

She said she responded.. hmmmm. Use - SPRINGRELEASE

Wonderment Wines

Dr. Stan's Vineyard Pinot Noir 2015

Not yet released but another vintage #2015 and another great wine from #wondermentwines #drstanspinot Drought has kept this vintage to 25 Cases.. — 7 years ago

David, Shawn and 4 others liked this

Wonderment Wines

Bacigalupi Vineyard Petite Sirah 2013

enjoyed with friends (yep had 2 bottles) @hudsonmalonenyc #petitesirah #bacigalupivineyard #wondermentwines — 9 years ago

Wonderment Wines

Bacigalupi Vineyard Old Vine Zinfandel 2015

Hugh O'Riordan

Hugh O'Riordan

10 ok . Just my daughter. I’ll bring a nw wine. Don’t know about others. Pick a fun nyc place. I’m not into fancy. Fancy reminds me of work! Hugh
Robert Evans Jr

Robert Evans Jr

@Hugh O'Riordan as it gets closer here’s my cell 551-580-1237.
Hugh O'Riordan

Hugh O'Riordan

Around noon good .ill cab to restaurant. I don’t have any restaurant ideas as I live in Idaho! I bring a northwest wine. Hugh

Wonderment Wines

Burton Ranch Vineyard Old Vine Zinfandel 2013

#zinfandel #spoton #wondermentwines This wine will just continue to get better for years. Such an impressive zinfandel!! #redwine #bestoflakecounty — 8 years ago

David, Ron and 6 others liked this