After months of owning the Cherry Tart, I finally opened it tonight! #wine #winelovers #alabama #thirstythursday #holiday #thursday #montgomery #fitchick #fitgirl #instawine #instaporn #bama #flexibledrinking #vegatrist #vegan #pinotnoir #cherrypie #cherrytart 2012 vintage!💃🎉🙌🙌😘👍 — 10 years ago
Candice Perkins
Love at first smell! This bouquet is a tasty berry muy delicioso #pinotnoir #pinot #noir #stinnocent #2012 is amazing! #willamettevalley #willamette #oregon has the best noirs❗️🎉🎊🎉🍷🍷🍷🍷 Smooth finish with a little bit of a kick! ✅👊 Good clarity. #instawine #wineporn #instaporn #lakemartin #alabama #2015 #zenith #eolaamityhills — 10 years ago